Radio license fee dispute: AfD already rejoices


The CDU of Saxony-Anhalt continues to refuse to vote in favor of increasing the radio license fee. In essence, however, it is about differentiating itself from the SPD and the Greens, much to the delight of the AfD.

A comment from Oliver Köhr, ARD Capital Studio

To be clear up front: this should not be about the premium increase. In this regard, as an employee of a public service broadcaster, I am naturally in favor of following the recommendation of the independent commission to determine financial needs and adjust contribution.

In Saxony-Anhalt it is not about that either. The Kenyan coalition of CDU, SPD and Greens is anything but a love story. It only served as a bulwark against the AfD. Only the few things they have in common have long been depleted.

The CDU has been placed in a position from which it cannot get out.

Now, the CDU has defiantly maneuvered itself into a situation it cannot get out of. Next year there will be elections in Saxony-Anhalt. The individual CDU members of the state parliament, who feel the AfD on their necks before the elections, have pledged: We will not accept the radio license fee. Also to distance himself from the SPD and the Greens.

Then there are the individual CDU members of the state parliament who would even allow themselves to be tolerated in a government by the AfD after the elections. For them, a break in the coalition might not be so inconvenient. In this situation, the CDU plans to make common cause with the AfD on one of its most heartfelt concerns.

The head of the AfD, Meuthen, is already rejoicing: the CDU supports the AfD. A rather devastating external effect: the head of the CDU, Kramp-Karrenbauer, got it. Prime Minister Haseloff must have finally understood. But he does not convince his deputies.

CDU MPs have to decide where they are

If they back down now, they fear losing their reputation. So there is a frantic search for compromises. But everything on the table only delays a decision. Each member of the CDU of the state parliament has to come to an agreement with himself: withdraw the radio license fee determination or side with the AfD so that everyone can see it.

Editorial note

Comments generally reflect the opinion of the respective author and not that of the editors.

Daily topics reported on this topic on December 1, 2020 at 10:15 pm
