Questions and answers: What are the effects of the increase in crown numbers in Saxony-Anhalt?


The federal and state governments agreed last week that additional action should be taken if a district or city exceeds 35 new infections per 100,000 residents in seven days. However, there are no mandatory steps to take when the value is reached. It’s more of a warning level.

In Saxony-Anhalt there has been a similar concept since May. Ten to 30 infections in seven days are set here as warning limits. Starting with 30 infections, cities and counties should coordinate with the Ministry of Social Affairs and find appropriate ways to contain the spread of corona infections. Often, however, the adjustment begins before the limit value is exceeded. The Burgenland district had already issued a blanket decree on Friday that further limited the number of participants in public events and private celebrations. On Tuesday, district administrator Götz Ulrich discussed the further steps with the state government, which will be announced on Wednesday.

In Halle, the incidence rate has been just below 30 in recent days, so the city of Saale has already prepared a general decree and agreed with the state government how to proceed. The order has not yet gone into effect. Mayor Bernd Wiegand said this was planned when the incidence value of 35 was exceeded. So far, closures or other drastic measures have not played a role.
