Quarantine and isolation: what am I allowed to do and what not?


The number of infections in Germany is increasing dramatically and more and more people have to go into quarantine or self-isolation. What exactly does this mean for those affected?

Staying home and social distancing are important measures in the fight against the corona pandemic. To prevent the spread of the coronavirus, the health department may order quarantine or isolation in certain cases. The two are often used synonymously, but there are clear differences.

Quarantine and isolation: what’s the difference?

The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) differentiates between the two terms: consequently, it is understood by quarantine immediate, strict and temporary isolation of people who have (potentially) been infected with a highly contagious disease. Regarding the corona pandemic, these are mostly contact persons for those suffering from Covid 19, as well as travelers returning from risk areas.

The health authorities or other competent authorities usually order a quarantine. The legal basis for this in Germany is the Infection Protection Act (IfSG).

A Isolation – often called isolation – is a special form of secretion according to the RKI and affects people who are infected and could transmit the virus. Depending on the severity of the disease, isolation is done at home or in the hospital. This regulation is applied at the national level. Isolation is requested and verified by the responsible health department.

Soon: People infected with Corona must be isolated. The quarantine applies to people who have had contact with infected people.

Who exactly has to go into officially ordered quarantine?

During the corona pandemic, people who are at high risk of being infected with the corona virus should be quarantined. This applies specifically to:

  • People who have had close contact with someone known to be infected in the last 14 days. Close contact means that you have talked to the sick person for at least 15 minutes or have coughed or sneezed while the person was contagious.
  • People entering or returning to Germany from a risk zone abroad. In some federal states, this measure also applies to travel within Germany.
  • Decisions of the health department in individual cases.

When does self-isolation make sense?

So-called self-isolation applies if you have symptoms. indicating a possible corona infection. If this happens, stay home and see your doctor for an exam. This will decide if you should be tested for the virus.

When can I come out of quarantine or isolation again?

The responsible health department in coordination with medical care decides when a quarantine or home isolation can be ended.

For people who are quarantined due to a suspected infection, this is usually lifted after 14 days if they do not show any symptoms of Covid-19. It is disputed whether the quarantine should be shortened to ten days, possibly in relation to a negative test, as most people fall ill within the first five days after contact. For travelers returning from a risk area, a 10-day quarantine will apply from November 8.

For people who for a COVID-19-The diseases are isolated, this will arise at least ten days after the onset of the disease if they have not shown any symptoms for at least 48 hours. This also applies to those infected with corona who do not develop any symptoms. If Covid 19 disease is severe, a negative test result should also be available.

Door handle shopping: People who are quarantined cannot leave their home.  (Source: Getty Images / Imagesines)Door Handle Shopping: People who are quarantined cannot leave their home. (Source: Imagesines / Getty Images)

Quarantine and isolation: what is allowed and what is prohibited?

If the health department orders a home quarantine, those affected must comply with some rules. The Consumer Advice Center has summarized these:

  • You are not allowed to leave your apartment or house. There are no exceptions, not even if you want to pick up the mail or throw away the trash, if you have to go to the pharmacy or the doctor or want to go shopping. Family, friends, or neighbors must take care of things to do. In many regions there are neighborhood initiatives or other volunteer helpers who provide support.
  • You should not receive visits from people who do not belong to your home.
  • You should not be in close contact with anyone you live with. People in your household should also reduce their contacts.
  • Dog owners also have to adapt when they are in quarantine. You can no longer walk the dog yourself.
  • If your job allows you to work from home and you are not sick, you have to work there. The quarantine obligation should not be equated with a certificate of inability to work.
  • Hygiene rules, such as coughing and sneezing etiquette, regular hand washing, and keeping your distance should also be observed at home.
  • The health department will ask about your health status periodically.
  • In case of a medical emergency, you should contact the emergency number 112, the family doctor or a treating specialist and mention that you are in quarantine.

Important: Violations of an orderly quarantine may be punished with a fine or imprisonment.

How do you get past the quarantine?

Two weeks quarantine it can be stressful. Some tips can help you get through this moment. The Robert Koch Institute and Consumer Advice Center recommend the following:

Keep active: There are also numerous ways to stay in shape by exercising at home.

Maintain contacts: You can stay in touch with friends, colleagues, and family by phone or social media.

Create fixed daily structures: A regular daily routine and fixed routines facilitate quarantine times.

Keep a positive attitude: Be confident and stick with things that you haven’t found time to do in a long time, like reading, cooking, playing games, or the like.

Important note: The information is in no way a substitute for the professional advice or treatment of qualified and recognized physicians. The content of t-online.de cannot and should not be used to make independent diagnoses or to initiate treatment.
