Public Warning Strike Tuesday: District Day Exerts Mass Criticism of Ver.di Course


Faced with the announced new warning strikes in the civil service wage dispute, the president of the district assembly, Reinhard Sager, criticizes the strategy of the Ver.di union. “I do not understand the warning strikes before the decisive round of negotiations in October. They do not fit into the Crown period with rising unemployment, short-term work and impending bankruptcies,” said Sager of the “Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung.” Sager called Ver.di’s requirement of 4.8 percent for all employees completely excessive. “That is not possible.”

Ver.di and Beamtenbund dbb are demanding 4.8 percent more money, but at least 150 euros, for a period of twelve months for the 2.3 million collective bargaining employees of the federal government and municipalities nationwide. Last weekend, the second round of negotiations was unsuccessful. The third round of negotiations is scheduled for October 22 and 23.

The district council president said the salaries of educators and nurses had risen sharply in recent years, well above the rate of inflation. In particular, the salaries of kindergarten teachers have increased 40 to 50 percent from 2009 to now. “We have not lost sight of these professional groups in the public service, on the contrary. An educator deserves more than a fire marshal in the professional fire department.”

In Berlin, Ver.di asked workers in the city’s cleaning yards to hold warning strikes on Monday. The headquarters and workshops are also included. In total, the union speaks of around 3,500 employees. The streets would not be cleaned on Monday, he said. The garbage disposal was unaffected by the warning strike and was operating normally.

In Hamburg, all-day warning strikes began in Hamburg hospitals and daycare centers at 6 am A Ver.di spokeswoman said 178 daycare centers run by Elbkinder, Hamburg’s largest provider of daycare centers, are affected. Then there are the kindergartens of the Rudolf Ballin Foundation, Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund and the Hamburg Association of Schools. The three organizations operate a total of almost 50 kindergartens in Hamburg. The Elbkinder-Kitas address had indicated on the Internet that care, in individual nurseries, could be restricted.

According to Ver.di, the Asklepios clinics, the Eppendorf University Clinic and the University Heart Center are affected in the hospital sector. Employers would not have wanted to conclude a common emergency service agreement, so employers are solely responsible if problems arise in hospitals, the Ver.di spokeswoman said. Warning strikes were also called in facilities for the disabled and social services, and again at the Hamburg Port Authority (HPA). Already last week there were warning strikes at the Hamburg Port Authority and garbage disposal.

In Stuttgart, many children have to stay home due to the warning strike. “More than 100 daycare centers remain completely closed today,” the Ver.di spokeswoman said. About 1,000 to 2,000 people would be out of work. School caregivers are also affected by the warning strike in the collective bargaining dispute between federal and local authorities.

According to Ver.di spokesman Andreas Henke, more warning strikes are planned for Tuesday. In the Göppingen district, two hospitals are affected and work on local public transport will stop across the country.

Icon: The mirror
