Public Service: Ver.di Expands Warning Strikes


Public service workers in several federal states have stopped working once again. In the next few days it should continue, in more and more places, such as the Hamburg garbage disposal and the Berlin water plant.

In the public service wage dispute, federal and municipal employees continued their warning strikes in several federal states. In Hesse there were the first warning strikes that morning. The main focus of the protests were hospitals, care facilities and social work agencies. Also in Hamburg, ver.di has asked the first employees to stop working on Friday.

In recent days, employees nationwide had already spoken out in favor of a new collective agreement with better conditions. Ver.di is demanding 4.8 percent more money for the 2.3 million collective bargaining employees in the federal government and municipalities across the country, but at least 150 euros a month over a twelve-month period. Last weekend, the second round of negotiations was unsuccessful. Employers have not yet submitted an offer. The third round of negotiations is scheduled for October 22 and 23.

Strikes in Hamburg initially with the port and city cleaning authorities

On Friday, ver.di wants to increase the pressure on collective bargaining in Hamburg with warning strikes in the city clean-up, port authorities, hospitals and kindergartens. First, employees of the city cleaners and the Hamburg Port Authority (HPA) are called to rest all day, he said at a rally.

Warning strikes are scheduled in recycling yards on Saturday and work at clinics, daycare centers, facilities for the disabled and social services will be suspended on Monday. Ver.di negotiates for about 45,000 employees in the Hanseatic city.

Decentralized warning strikes in Lower Saxony

In Lower Saxony, ver.di relied on decentralized warning strikes due to the corona pandemic. However, they did not want to gather members for the central rallies because of Corona, he said. According to the union, 130 to 150 city and county officials participated in a warning strike in Verden. The appeal was directed primarily at city employees, Sparkasse Verden and the Aller-Weser Clinic.

According to ver.di, warning strikes are scheduled in Lüneburg for Friday. The mayor of the Hanseatic city, Ulrich Mägde, leads the negotiations at the national level for the union of municipal employers’ associations. Hannover should be the center of attention for the next week.

Actions also in Schleswig-Holstein

In Schleswig-Holstein, the warning strikes in Kiel and Schleswig affected the authorities, garbage disposal and nurseries. According to the city, 23 of the 36 urban daycare centers in the state capital, Kiel, were closed due to the warning strike. In various parts of the city, garbage cans were also not emptied. A recycling center and a customer service center did not open. According to ver.di, warning strikes are again expected in Schleswig-Holstein in the coming weeks.

Bus drivers strike in Bavaria

In Bavaria, ver.di summoned bus drivers from various cities to hold warning strikes on Friday. In Aschaffenburg city traffic, on the Würzburger NVG Omnibus, the Coburg SÜC Bus and Aquaria, the HLV Hadersdorfer Linien-Verkehr Freising, the Kaufbeurener Verkehrsgesellschaft Kirchweihtal and on the Osterrieder-Omnibus in the Donau-Ries district, employees must let your work rest. The collective agreement of 17,000 bus drivers in Bavaria expires at the end of October. Verdi demands 30 percent more salary for them.

Strikes in Baden-Württenberg also in hospitals

In Baden-Württemberg, following protests in Ulm and Ludwigsburg, warning strikes will be extended to hospitals over the next week. On Monday, employees of the youth welfare office in Stuttgart were initially called upon to protest. This includes communal nurseries. More employees in the Göppingen district will follow on Tuesday. According to ver.di, nurseries and hospitals are again affected.

Berliner Wasserbetriebe affected

In Berlin, ver.di visited the employees of the Berliner Wasserbetriebe (BWB) for Friday. Ver.di announced that it should take four hours from the start of operations. The water supply in Berlin is not in danger from the warning strikes.

Tagesschau and tagesschau24 reported on this issue on September 24, 2020 at 5:00 pm
