Public service: collective bargaining agreement


economy Federal and state

Collective bargaining agreement in the public function

| Reading time: 4 minutes

“At the limit of what is financially viable”

An agreement has been reached in collective bargaining for the public service of the federal government and the municipalities. Income increased 4.5 percent in the lowest group and salary level and 3.2 percent in the highest group.

Advancement of the weekend: an agreement was reached in collective bargaining for the public service of the federal and state governments. The negotiated contract is valid until the end of 2022.

reApproximately 2.3 million public sector employees at the federal and local levels receive higher incomes. Wages and salaries will increase 1.4 percent from April 1, 2021. A further increase of 1.8 percent is planned for April 1, 2022, as the unions announced in Potsdam on Sunday. After days of fighting for public service, employers and unions also agreed to a care allowance for a total of 120 euros per month from 2022.

In the first step, all employees receive at least 50 euros more, and for apprentices 25 euros. The duration of the collective agreement should be 28 months. The unions had asked for a year. Employers had offered three years.

The unions entered the negotiations demanding a 4.8 percent increase in wages and salaries. In total, the plus is 3.2 percent with a term of more than two years.

Corona Bonus later this year

All employees will receive a crown bonus this year. It should be € 600 for the lower wage groups, € 400 for the medium wage groups and € 300 for the high wage groups. Students receive € 225 from the municipalities and € 200 from the federal government.

Verdi’s boss, Frank Werneke, spoke of a “respectable title.” It is tailor-made for different professional groups that were the focus of the collective bargaining round. “It is particularly gratifying that we have succeeded in making significant improvements for low- and middle-income groups, as well as for the healthcare and healthcare sector,” Werneke emphasized.

Consequently, earnings increase by 4.5 percent in the lowest group and salary level and by 3.2 percent in the highest group. In nursing, the increase is 8.7 percent. Intensive workers should receive up to 10 percent more salary.

Working hours in the east should be reduced to the west level

In general, one of the approaches was focused on attention. The monthly allowance for all nursing staff will be 70 euros from March 2021 and another 50 euros a year later. The intensive care allowance will more than double. Doctors from the health authorities will receive an allowance of 300 euros per month from March 2021.

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Arnd Diringer is in charge of transport practice at the Rhineland-Palatinate Ministry of Environment, Energy, Food and Forests

In the care industry, politicians have been demanding more and more for weeks that after much praise for employee engagement, improvements be made for people with a crown, among other things. Without better pay, you couldn’t find more staff at clinics suffering from inattention, it says there.

Federal and local work hours in the East will be reduced from 40 hours to the West level of 39 hours, in two steps by January 2023.

On Thursday, the two parties were still far apart

The president of the official dbb union, Ulrich Silberbach, said: “This is Corona’s commitment. With this title we have achieved what is currently feasible ”. Employers have recognized the need to act in the hospital and healthcare sector. In the case of other service providers in the public service, for example in public order offices, employment centers or general administration, this time it was no longer possible to enforce. “That is why it was particularly important to avoid the three-year period required by employers.”

At the beginning of the third round of negotiations on Thursday, the two sides were far apart. During Sunday night and morning, the bodies of both sides had discussed the plans. In the case of the unions, these were the collective bargaining commissions, most of whose members were connected online so that in the midst of the corona pandemic, even more people would not have to stay in a hotel for collective bargaining. in Potsdam. About 200 people participated in the collective bargaining round there. At the Association of Municipal Employers’ Associations (VKA), the general assembly met on site. The negotiating groups held separate discussions in the morning before the lead group met again in the morning.

Otherwise, the collective bargaining round was completely dominated by the pandemic. Unions were under pressure to hold warning strikes and protests in compliance with hygiene regulations. They had repeatedly accused municipal employers of taking advantage of their situation. Municipal budgets, on the other hand, are heavily burdened due to the economic crisis and falling business tax revenues.
