Psychotherapy for a continent: stay still, Mr. Europe


Good morning western world. Conglomerate of longing. You pearl, whose crumbling wealth was built on the bones of guest workers and slaves. We call it: working through our hands.

Good morning America, shining star of limitless possibilities, in which the founders of wealth are being sent to the front to die, where the homeless are in parking lots, millions are losing their jobs and therefore their health insurance and, therefore, their chances of survival. Good morning Europe, your magic fortress with wonderfully secured external and internal borders, with your unity, which consisted mainly of discovering the dumbest possible name for the common currency, considerations did not go much further, but spontaneously.

Cohesion, the big one We-The feeling of Europe was limited to seeing Italians die in horror. Haha. Then later, to watch your own saved health systems spin. In England, nurses carried garbage bags and became infected, in Switzerland they had no masks. The same everywhere. There is no common coordination, there is no preparation for a common pandemic, there is no point plan like in Taiwan, there is again: borders closed. Good evening Europe.

So please lie down on this sofa, Mr. Europe, and tell me about your concerns.

Of the empty and decaying towns, the aging of the population, the past. But you know, the culture, our wonderful culture, these stone museums, you can say now. Built for a few empires. Cities, built by men for men, are outdated and collapse in traffic. Traffic consists of gorgeous German cars that look like dinosaurs. Slingshots that consume space, symbols of nonsense that creep through the streets named after dead European thinkers. The most important philosophers are African and Asian, they are black or feminine. The most amazing art is found in the Cape Town Museum and the most perfect surveillance in China.

The world is reorganizing itself, meaningless, growing exponentially. And you are lying here in fear, Mister Europe, with your glorious past.

The continent, which is becoming less and less important, has lost touch with the future and believes that brutality and stupidity could be restored to the old days by force. Should that be with us? An existence like a Chinese colony, depending on the drugs whose production we have subcontracted out of greed, on the final devices that are made in Asia, on the clothes that are made there. Houses sold for funds, the connection lost due to stubbornness and satiety.

It is best to build walls.

The best we can do is build walls, preserve our old power, our superiority, without seeing what is happening on other continents that are slowly waking up or that have long since left Europe. It is incredible that the majority of the world’s population will soon no longer be interested in what is happening here, what is being built and repaired here, how tenaciously women are negotiating and digitizing, traffic planning and speed limits. Rather than openly talking about the future, Europeans talk about nationalism.

As if it were an ever faster connection to the world, the impending climate collapse, which requires scientific solutions, reason, research and courage, would be solved with the collective use of uniforms, with senile dictators and profound sayings, with homicides and roars, roaring against mortality. , against the lack of importance.

Roar not to hear the sadness that results from the premonition of the unimportant. Very stupid, very pointless, very helpless. Stay where you are, Mr. Europe, take a deep breath. Change, don’t be afraid. Or just fall asleep.

Icon: The Mirror
