PS5: between joy and frustration


The PlayStation 5 has now also started in Germany. But the launch was completely different for gamers and stakeholders at times, not at all for some. And at MeinMMO we want to know: How was your PS5 launch day? Pure fun, frustration pushing, or something in between?

Many have been waiting for this: On November 19, the time had also come for us: Sony’s new next-generation console, PlayStation 5, was launched in Germany, and also in other European countries.

In the US and some other countries like Canada, Mexico or Japan, the PS5 was already available a week earlier, on November 12.

This is how the PlayStation 5 began

This is how launch day began for many: For most players and stakeholders, the official start of Germany started more or less the same: with waiting. Waiting for the delivery service. Waiting for new order options. But in the end, launch day could hardly have been more different for many.

Have fun and enjoy

Happy pre-orders, who finally got their PS5 on the 19th, could now start the next generation and finally test the new console for themselves, with either one or the other launch title or their favorite PS4 games via compatibility. with older versions. Characteristic. And based on previous reactions, the bottom line is that the PlayStation 5 is well received by its proud owners, even if there were still some issues here and there.

Also, there was a third wave of orders on launch day and some were happy to be able to secure a PS5 for the foreseeable future, even if it might not be right at the beginning.

Some are still concerned about their PS5, which they believed was safe

Other players are still concerned. This even includes pre-orders from the first two waves, for which the delivery date was postponed on launch day or store pickup didn’t work out. Some people are guaranteed to have imagined the beginning of the PS5 differently.

Also, some orders from the last third wave have already been canceled, as with Otto. So even if you were very lucky and were able to order a PS5 on short notice on launch day, it’s not always certain that you will get it in the end. For some, vendor technology problems are only frustrating the bill.

ps5 preoder fail anger title 01
There was also some annoyance and frustration with the PS5 launch.

Not everyone already has a PS5; many are frustrated and complain

Others are no longer concerned with whether their PS5 will be delivered on time reasonably, but rather whether there is still one for them this year.

Because the third wave was also very chaotic. And the bottom line is that after 3 waves, not everyone who wants to buy a PS5 has been able to get hold of a PS5. Not even for launch, but in general. You can find some user feedback on the third wave course here:

3. The PS5 pre-order wave degenerates into frustration: “Suddenly, the shopping cart was empty”

With the new order options on November 19, anger and frustration were pervasive. Yes, there were also some lucky ones who were able to secure a PS5, even if some of these won’t be delivered until mid-December. But the selection of distributors was manageable, times were poorly or not communicated at all, and the contingent was apparently very limited. Also, as I said, there were numerous subsequent cancellations.

Many of them literally hung up on the monitor or mobile phone throughout Launch Day and even beyond and ended unsuccessfully, either due to massive glitches at the relevant retail sites or the limited number of PS5s, some of which they were sold out in seconds.

How did the launch of the PS5 go? Take part in our survey

This time we have prepared a survey for you and we want to hear from you, the MeinMMO readers, how Launch Day and the launch of the PS5 went. Already the happy owner of a PS5 and busy gambling? Are you still worried about your console? Or is the beginning of the PS5 too far for you?

Remember, you only have one voice. Thank you for participating and your time.

By the way, you can describe your opinion and experiences to us and other readers here at MeinMMO in detail in the comments. You are not limited to just the survey here.
