PS4: Secure these two games for free! You still have a chance


  • Christian bottcher

    fromChristian bottcher


Two free games for PS4, and all without PS Plus. Sony is launching the generous “Play At Home” initiative to combat the Covid 19 pandemic.

  • Sony begins “Play at home“Initiative in the fight against Coronavirus pandemic.
  • Player get two Free games for him PS4.
  • Sony establishes funds to help independent studies.

Tokyo, Japan – The Coronavirus pandemic It creates exit restrictions around the world, and more people than ever are sitting at home to curb the spread of Covid-19. Sony Respond and start a program to make isolation more comfortable for players. At the beginning of the initiative “Play at home“given Sony two Free games for him PS4 and at the same time it works for those who suffer most from the virus.

Free Games for PS4: Sony Launches “Play At Home” and Offers Gifts to Gamers and Independent Studios

It is not the first time that Sony generous in the Corona virus crisis respond and Player provided with free content. The company recently partnered with Activision to launch a combat pack for Call of Duty Warzone that PS4 player henceforth free can download But not only the Japanese group based on Tokyo is generous In the past few weeks, some publishers and developers have already decided to join their Players Thank you for carefully observing the exit restrictions.

Play at home: Sony launches initiative to fight Covid-19: PS4 players get free games.

© Sony

Both Free games from Sony are designed to continue to push players to stay within their own four walls to understand the impact of Coronavirus pandemic to be under control. However, free games are for PS4 only part of the “Play at home“Initiative of Sony. Additionally, the company has launched a fund to support independent developers in these difficult times.

The official publication on the PlayStation blog says of Sony President Jim Ryan: “Independent developers are critical to the heart and soul of the gaming community, and we understand the financial challenges and difficulties that many smaller game studios face.Sony Interactive Entertainment) developed a fund to support them during this time. “Sony wants to make $ 10 million available, which is fair PS4 developer to be shared at the service of the group. Certainly some teams currently working on titles for the PS5 will also be considered.

Free games for PS4: these free games are part of the initiative “Play At Home”

Depending on the region you are in, they also differ Free gamesthat Sony as part of “Play at home“gifted. While the team looks a little different in the rest of Europe, May Player in Germany the following two titles for free for the PS4 to download:


March 14, 2012




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required storage space

3.92 GB

Current price (PS4)

€ 16.99


September 05, 2017


YOU Japan Studio



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40 GB

Current price (PS4)

€ 54.00

Entering Germany PS4 player with Travel and Crack two very different Games free on your console while Travel Based on silent discovery and sensation from the game world, Knack 2 is an action packed platform game with a lot of destruction. What both Free games However, what they have in common is their positive mood, something that every player can really use in times of the coronavirus pandemic. Here Sony shows tact. Both Free games for PS4 You can download it for free from April 16, 2020 to May 6, 2020 from PlayStation Store.

Also gifted in the European area Sony PS4 player with free games There is instead Crack 2 however, Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection free. The reason for the exchange in Germany is local youth protection regulations. From the Unexplored series has received USK 16 approval in Germany and even with Free2Play or Free games with an age restriction you must pay a check in the form of a small fee of 25 cents Sony instead he decided to give away a game with no age rating in this country. The choice was surprising Crack 2.

Age control is of course also for Games required with USK 18 approval. However, if the promotion had only been extended to PS Plus users, it would be Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection Also available in Germany for free. I finally have to Player Please check your age anyway when you buy a PS Plus subscription. Germans PlayerHowever, those who already use PS Plus are unlikely to be bothered by the exchange, as a gift. Sony the first three parts of the Uncharted saga in January for the PS4.

Meanwhile, the corona virus could also affect the price of the PS5. Fans are now very disappointed with that.

Image of rubric list: © Sony
