Protests against the rules of protection: more than 90 crown demonstrations dominated by rights


Since the beginning of the pandemic, right-wing extremists have tried to use the protest against the crown’s rules for themselves. According to the Office for the Protection of the Constitution, they have set the tone for more than 90 demonstrations nationwide in recent months.

According to the findings of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, in recent months there have been more than 90 demonstrations against the Corona measures nationwide, in which right-wing extremists were spokespersons. This stems from a response from the federal government to a small request from the left-wing parliamentary group that the dpa news agency has received.

Therefore, one of the regional focal points was Saxony-Anhalt. About a third of the events took place there between April 25 and August 10, but often with only a few dozen participants.

Reich citizens, right-wing extremists, neo-Nazis

Most of the demonstrations were reportedly not started by parties or associations, but by individuals. Some events had not been registered in advance. The demonstrations in Berlin were among the most popular. Larger groups of so-called Reich citizens also participated on the last weekend of August, as well as smaller groups of right-wing extremists and neo-Nazis. Participants also included members of the AfD, now part of the “wing”, which has since disbanded, including, for example, the head of state of Thuringia, Björn Höcke.

Calls for mobilization by right-wing extremists in the run-up to the rally were, according to the report, “broader and more intense” than, for example, before the Corona protests on August 1 in Berlin.

The federal government said authorities are closely monitoring “a possible expansion of co-optation of far-right protests against the state’s Corona containment measures.”

Security authorities said the extremists had not yet managed to “catch up with the democratic protests” in relation to the Corona crisis. There is no certainty that they will not succeed in the future, such as in individual demonstrations against the asylum policy.

“Dangerous development”

Left Party Bundestag member Ulla Jelpke accused the German government of underestimating “a dangerous development”. “If the fascists were already tolerated in unconventional thinkers and crown protests, the Reich Citizens Movement and the crude conspiracy ideologues in particular managed to shape parts of the elevator with their flags, symbols and slogans on the 29th. August, Jelpke said.
