Protesters ask passersby to remove masks


“I can not understand it”
Cologne Police Chief Outraged Over Anti-Crown Demonstration Demand

On Saturday afternoon, several hundred people in the center of Cologne did not advertise and vocalized against the crown’s protective measures. Passers-by were repeatedly asked to consciously violate Corona’s requirements.

As the police in Cologne announced, the participants of the demonstration moved without keeping the minimum distance and without mouth protection, but sometimes with children. The path the protesters took took at 5.15 p.m. from Schildergasse to Neumarkt, beyond Rudolfplatz and through the rings to the station yard and Roncalliplatz in the cathedral.

“Large numbers of protesters have repeatedly asked passersby to remove their mouth guards and to enter stores without a mask. We have absolutely no understanding for that. It is incomprehensible to me how such a thing can be demanded in these times. Apparently, these people still did not understand that this is not just about their health, but also about other people’s lives, “Police President Uwe Jacob said at night.

During the course of the operation, police officers at a rally on the cathedral plaque identified the alleged leader among the protesters of the undeclared event and recorded both her and the personal details of other comrades on the platform. The emergency services began investigations into violations of the Crown Protection Ordinance, the Assembly Law and the Infection Protection Law.

“It is irresponsible not to keep the minimum distances and not to wear masks. I can understand that the current exceptional situation is not easily manageable for the whole of Cologne. But deliberately jeopardizing your health, that of your children, and the health of people not involved does not improve it. Anyone who jeopardizes the last loosening unreasonably favors a renewed and rapid increase in infections, “said Uwe Jacob.

Around 7 p.m., the demonstration on the cathedral slab slowly dissolved and the participants went in different directions.
