Protest against crown policy: “lateral thinkers” intubated in Leipzig – ban on demonstrations in Dresden


Germany Protest against crown policy

“Unconventional thinkers” intubated in Leipzig: ban on demonstrations in Dresden

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“If you want to demonstrate objectively, you don’t have to let right-wing extremists run”

With a view to the “lateral thinking” movement, NRW Interior Minister Herbert Reul calls for a reform of the section on breaking the peace. Reul also sees demonstration organizers as an obligation.

The corona virus is pushing hospitals in Saxony to the limit. However, the “lateral thinking” movement wants to manifest itself in Dresden. A doctor urgently warns of the possible consequences and offers an overwhelming example.

“If things continue like this, hospitals will have to raise the white flag at Christmas”: According to doctor Christoph Josten, Saxony’s health system is increasingly reaching its limits. The state is battling Germany’s most serious corona infection. If nothing changes, “then we have to think of other modalities, then nothing helps. It’s in your hand ”, the Medical Council of the Leipzig University Clinic appealed to the population at a press conference on Friday. And he underscored his warning with an example that made people sit up and notice.

“One of the best-known lateral thinkers who spoke out in Leipzig was intubated with Covid eight days later,” Josten said. “In this sense, the Covid does not take people into account, no matter who they are. It’s better to protect yourself, adhere to the rules of distance, and really avoid contact. ”

According to media reports, the man is said to be one of the organizers of the “lateral thinking” rally against crown policy in Leipzig, which completely spiraled out of control in early November.

Dresden is arming against hooligans and right-wing extremists

This weekend “lateral thinking” really wanted to manifest itself in Dresden. A rally for 4000 people was registered, for which it was publicized nationally and abroad, also in the field of the right. However, the city imposed a ban due to the security threat. The Higher Administrative Court of Saxony in Bautzen confirmed the decision on Saturday evening. The risk forecast of the state capital is not objectionable.

According to the judges, the fundamental right to life and physical integrity exceeds the fundamental right to freedom of assembly. This order cannot be challenged. The Bautzen High Administrative Court was criticized a month ago when it overturned the aforementioned ban on the “lateral thinking” demonstration in central Leipzig on 7 November.

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However, supporters on the scene are expected to come to protest in Dresden, including hooligans and right-wing extremists. In planned counter-events, the police, which are preparing for a large-scale operation, also expect violent left-wing extremists.

In the fight against the corona pandemic, the Free State will enter a complete lockdown on Monday. Then nurseries, schools and numerous shops are closed. The cabinet had decided on the corresponding crown protection ordinance on Friday night. Therefore, also in Dresden a large number of customers are feared in the city center. According to the knowledge of the Saxon Trade Association, stores are also open longer, which should help even out the flow of customers.

Ziemiak: “The greatest cruelty possible”

CDU general secretary Paul Ziemiak criticized the German press agency that calls for large-scale demonstrations are currently “nothing more than the expression of the greatest possible cruelty and unlimited selfishness.” The 24-hour recording got the “side thinkers” moving in Dresden.

“It should now be clear to everyone that the hard core of the ‘lateral thinker’ scene is not about legitimate concerns, but about an attack on our state,” Ziemiak said. Those who demonstrate here not only endanger their own health, but also negligently attack the health of thousands of policemen.
