“Protective glow”: Trump considers himself immune to the crown


A week ago, the president of the United States, Donald Trump, was in the hospital for Covid-19. Now he announces that he is “doing great” and is returning to the election campaign. Your doctor gives the green light for this, but important questions about your health remain unanswered. The 74-year-old is spreading rumors about his rival.

After his Covid 19 illness, the president of the United States, Donald Trump, is now “immune” to the corona virus, according to his own statements. “It seems like I’m immune to, I don’t know, maybe for a long time and maybe for a short time, it could be forever, nobody really knows, but I’m immune,” Trump said in a telephone interview with the broadcaster. Fox News. For him, immunity is like a “protective glow.” It feels “fantastic”. His personal physician had previously stated on Saturday night that the president was no longer contagious. Trump, who is running for a second term in the U.S. presidential election on Nov. 3, is planning major campaign appearances again beginning Monday.

The United States now has a president who is immune, “who doesn’t have to hide in a basement like his opponent,” Trump said, referring to his Democratic challenger Joe Biden and his more cautious election campaign due to the pandemic. So far it has not been shown how long a Covid 19 disease protects against future coronavirus infections. In the first studies they spoke of a few months, according to more recent studies the immunity could last longer.

During his phone interview with Fox News, Trump hinted that his rival might be ill. “If you look at Joe, yesterday he coughed terribly and tore his mask while coughing,” Trump said. Not much had been reported on this.

The controversial drug is “remedy”

Trump’s doctor, Sean Conley, said the latest coronavirus test showed, according to “currently accepted standards,” that the president “no longer poses a risk of transmission to others.” Trump can now, about ten days after the first symptoms appear, end his voluntary quarantine according to the criteria of the CDC’s health authority, the doctor said. Tests carried out during the course of his illness had shown a constantly decreasing concentration of virus. However, he did not write that Trump was immune or that a crown test on the president was negative. Therefore, it seemed likely that the most recent test was still positive due to a low virus concentration.

Trump, 74, said he had tested positive for the corona virus on October 1. However, the White House never announced when Trump’s regular crown tests were last negative. He fell ill with Covid-19 and was therefore treated in a military hospital for three days starting on October 2. Experts assume that people are immune after a corona infection. For how long, but it is not yet clear.

Trump has been fever-free for “more than 24 hours” and “all symptoms” have “improved,” Conley wrote. The doctor did not provide information on Saturday about what symptoms were still detectable in Trump and to what extent. On Wednesday, Conley reported that the US president had been “symptom free” for more than 24 hours. At the hospital, doctors gave him the antiviral drug remdesivir, anti-inflammatory drugs, and an experimental antibody cocktail, among other things. According to many experts, the aggressive treatment, contrary to what the White House claimed, suggested a more serious illness.

Trump again promoted the treatment of Covid with the antibody cocktail from biotech company Regeneron on Sunday. The drug is not a treatment method, but a “cure” and a “miracle” that should soon be available to all. Antibody cocktails developed by various manufacturers have yet to be approved and will only be available in relatively small quantities for the foreseeable future. According to critics, Trump is promoting the drug to distract from his administration’s failure to contain the pandemic ahead of the Nov.3 election.

Three campaign appearances next week

Trump made a longer television appearance for the first time on Friday, and on Saturday he made a brief public appearance at the White House. He spoke from a balcony to several hundred supporters who had gathered on the site’s south lawn. They mostly wore masks, but they were relatively crowded. “I feel great,” Trump said to cheers from supporters. The Republican strongly warned of an electoral victory for his Democratic challenger Joe Biden. His speech was unusually short, with less than 20 minutes: on such occasions, Trump usually speaks for more than an hour. Biden’s program was “socialist” or even “communist” and would plunge the country into crisis, Trump claimed.

In polls, the president is a good three weeks before the election, yet behind Biden, a former senator and former vice president. Trump’s campaign team has announced that the president will make a major campaign appearance Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday in the highly competitive states of Florida, Pennsylvania, and Iowa. Trump once again promised at the White House appearance that the pandemic would soon end. “She will go away and the vaccines will help and the resources used to treat her will help a lot,” Trump said. The “China virus” will be “defeated once and for all.” However, many experts consider Trump’s forecasts for the pandemic to be too optimistic and accuse him of failure.
