Protection against infection ?: Spahn advises gargling against Corona


Protection against infection?
Spahn advises gargling against Corona

To reduce the viral load in the mouth, Health Minister Spahn gargles mouthwash as a precaution, and gives this as advice to Germans. The effect has not yet been scientifically proven. But it’s not a shame either, Spahn said.

To minimize the risk of infection in the private sector, Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn also recommends gargling. “That has not yet been scientifically proven,” he admitted in the “Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung.” “But the idea behind this is that gargling with mouthwashes made from essential oils dissolved in alcohol or even table salt should lower the viral load in the mouth and throat,” Spahn said. “I gargle regularly anyway.”

Spahn declined to make a gargle recommendation like the one from the German Society for Hospital Hygiene. “But it certainly doesn’t hurt.” Spahn also advocated adherence to a simple rule: “Act as if you have Corona: then you automatically keep your distance and are more cautious in general,” said the minister, who has already survived an infection.

With a view to Christmas, the minister asked not to travel within Germany at Christmas. “It would not seem right to me to place the location of the family celebration in the state with the most generous rules. Because Covid-19 can also become dangerous within families,” Spahn said. He too will spend Christmas “for the first time in memory not with parents and siblings.” “It’s a shame. But it helps keep the virus at bay.”
