Proposal under discussion: public service agreement in sight


The prospect of higher wages attracts more than two million federal and city employees. Trade unionists and employer representatives are about to find a solution. However, there is one final hurdle to overcome in the salary dispute.

Great progress is in sight in public service collective bargaining. As learned from the participants in Potsdam, the top group of employers and unions reached an agreement that night. The committees of both parties should now discuss this proposed collective agreement. This is the income of more than two million federal and municipal employees. With an agreement, new strikes in clinics, nurseries, local transport and town halls would be ruled out after weeks of strikes. After the final state of negotiations, revenue should increase in stages. No further details have been revealed.

As learned from the bargaining circles of both parties, the compromise proposal will be discussed in Verdi’s federal tariff commissions and the association of public officials dbb, as well as in the general assembly of the Municipal Employers Association (VKA). These committees should also initially advise on Sunday morning. Without the consent of these grassroots and municipal representatives, the proposal would fail in its current form. In the morning at 10 am, the group above wants to sit down again to clarify the final details. Information for the public is scheduled for lunch.

Due to the corona pandemic, the collective bargaining round took place under special conditions. Some of the members of Verdi’s rate commission were connected online. Unions were under pressure to hold strikes and protests in compliance with hygiene regulations. Municipal budgets are burdened by the economic crisis and falling business tax revenue. The third round of ongoing negotiations began on Thursday. Positions were far apart for a long time. The negotiations lasted almost 14 hours on Saturday. The committees waited hours to discuss a proposal. Details were not initially known.

The unions had entered into negotiations demanding a 4.8 per cent increase in wages and salaries over a period of one year. At least there should be 150 euros more a month. The federal government and local authorities want a three-year term. There should be an increase in rates by March 1, 2021 by 1.0 percent, then an additional 1.0 percent and 1.5 percent a year later. The first step must be linked to a minimum amount of 30 euros. Educators, bus drivers, garbage collectors, city hall employees, and many other employees are affected.

Dispute over the amount of the care allowance

In light of the stress and strain of caregivers in the corona pandemic, attention is at the center of the negotiations. Employers had offered an assistance allowance of € 50 per month for employees of hospitals and health centers. Verdi’s boss, Frank Werneke, had dismissed this as “scandalous.” The unions are demanding an allowance of 300 euros. Individual care areas are being intensively negotiated. VKA boss Ulrich Mädge had announced: “According to our ideas, an intensive care nurse will receive 8% more salary.” In union circles, it was ruled out that workers’ representatives would accept a three-year term without significantly higher wage increases. However, the president of the VKA, Mädge, had emphasized that the three years were “very important” for the municipalities.

The eight main negotiators from the Lüneburg municipalities are the SPD Mayor Mädge and the Federal Government Interior Minister Horst Seehofer from the CSU, the Verdi Werneke trade union and the president of the dbb, Ulrich Silberbach.
