Proposal for a resolution for the Corona summit: the federal government wants this tightening


The federal government is calling for stricter contact restrictions, even before the end of the November shutdown. What exactly does it suggest?

On Monday, Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel and the prime ministers of the federal states will meet to discuss Corona’s situation in the Chancellery. You want to draw a tentative conclusion about the November closing. Measurements for December are not due until November 23. However, the federal government already wants to tighten some of the crown’s rules, especially contact restrictions. This arises from a draft resolution that the ARD capital study Present. What exactly does the federal government want to achieve?

Contact restrictions

According to the will of the federal government, you should only be allowed to be in public with members of your own household and a maximum of two people from another household. “This is binding and violations of these contact restrictions will be sanctioned accordingly by the regulatory authorities,” the newspaper says. Groups of people celebrating beyond this in public places, in apartments and in private facilities are “unacceptable in view of the dire situation in our country.”

Private meetings

Despite the regulations already in place on protection against infections, infections would continue “to occur in the private environment and outside the public space,” the document says. To reduce risk, children and youth should be encouraged to only meet a boyfriend in his spare time. Even private gatherings with friends and acquaintances should generally be limited to a single permanent home. Private celebrations should initially be avoided entirely until Christmas. Since November 2, only members of your own household and another household can be in public, but no more than ten people.


The federal government advises all people with cold symptoms, especially those with a cough and runny nose, to go straight home to quarantine. “They have to stay there for five to seven days until the symptoms go away,” he says. Care must be taken to keep a distance from other household members and especially from risk groups in the household. “The sick leave must be initially carried out by the family doctor without a visit to the consultation.” In consultation with the doctor, it will also be clarified if a crown test is necessary.


In principle, schools should remain open. However, to protect against infection, measures should also be strengthened here, with particular attention to young people over the age of twelve. With them, the risk of infection and transmission is comparable to that of adults. Therefore, according to the will of the federal government, the use of mouth and nose protection should be mandatory for students of all ages and for teachers on school premises and during lessons. This is not yet mandatory in all federal states. Also, if larger rooms are not available, classes should be divided in half and taught in fixed groups. The minimum distance of 1.5 meters on school buses must also be guaranteed. In case of quarantine measures, distance education should be offered for all affected students.

Protection of risk groups

Consistent with the federal government’s will to protect itself against the coronavirus, people at particularly high risk, such as the elderly, the infirm, or those with previous illnesses, should receive discounted FFP2 masks starting in December. In order to reduce the risk of contagion, the federal government will allow, at its own expense, to provide this population group with 15 of these masks for a small contribution. That results in one mask per winter week. Also, it is recommended to only visit people who are particularly at risk if all family members are symptom free and have not been in risk situations for a week.

Vaccination centers

The federal states are obliged to have their vaccination centers and structures available as of December 15 so that they can be put into operation at short notice. By the end of November, federal states must notify the federal government how many vaccines they plan to receive per day.

Tracking infections

Since full contact follow-up is often not possible, measures such as quarantine should be used in the event of an outbreak in a certain group, such as a school or business, even without a positive test result. “With a view to proportionality, isolation of outbreak or contact groups is a softer means compared to restrictive measures,” he says.

Health authorities

By the end of the year, the new digital tools for recording infections will be used significantly more by the authorities. Also, the Corona warning app will be continuously improved and offered with new features.

/ dpa
