“Prominent and homeless”: what Elena Miras learned on the street – TV


She didn’t even last 24 hours …

On Monday night, RTL2 viewers witnessed a very special attempt. Reality star Elena Miras (27), star entrepreneur Jens Hilbert (42), and television chef Christian Lohse (52) had to spend 72 hours on the street looking for “Prominent and Homeless: Gutter Instead of glamor”.

And not only that: they were not allowed to carry money, hygiene items or cell phones with them. They just had to make their way through the night alone with a mat, a sleeping bag, and a few deposit bottles as seed money.

 Entrepreneur Jens Hilbert also participates in the TV experiment Photo: RTL2

“data-zoom-src =” https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/auch-unternehmer-jens-hilbert-ngeht-an-dem-tv-experiment-teil-201412949-70171556/Bild/1.bild. jpg “/>

Entrepreneur Jens Hilbert also participates in the television experiment.Photo: RTL2

At first, Elena Miras was still full of confidence: “The most impressive thing about me is: everything! I’m perfect. “Only empathy for the homeless was limited:” If you are homeless, then you have done nothing about it. Anyone can do it! Nobody has died because they are a little on the street. “

However, when she was abandoned in the urban jungle of Cologne, her mood suddenly changed. Elena didn’t even want to touch the tank bottles: “Iiiih, they are also wet! It sucks like that!”

Another bitter experience for the influencer: wherever fans and the press are eager to talk to her, the other homeless people gave her nothing but rejection. The 27-year-old was beginning to despair: “Not everyone wants to be approached.”

This low blow was quickly followed by the following: the night rooms had to open at the entrance of a store. The first tears flowed here: “I can’t sleep here, what is that? I underestimated all of this!” The jungle camp participant was homesick: “I just want to go home!”

After a short and restless night in the sleeping bag, breakfast consisted of dry toast, bought from the warehouse.

Elena then bravely continued to contact other patients and met Nicole, 37. She recounted her past: “My ex took the children from me and then I also lost my apartment. These were my babies. It is worse than dying.”

 Elena Miras in conversation with Nicole homeless Photo: RTL2

“data-zoom-src =” https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/elena-miras-im-gespraech-mit-der-obdachlosen-nicole-201412950-70171560/Bild/1.bild.jpg “/>

Elena Miras in conversation with Nicole homelessPhoto: RTL2

After this story, all the dams broke with Elena: “I also have a little daughter, I can’t imagine! If you don’t regret something like that, you don’t have a heart! It’s surprising how you deal with people like that. Now I will give money to every homeless person. “

But he didn’t want to stay on the street for another second: Elena Miras interrupted the experiment on television: “I would give anything that I didn’t have to experience again. I never want to be homeless again. “
