Prevent mold and fight it naturally – Guide – Garden


At: 04/30/2020 09:57 a.m.

Northern Magazine

Mold is a widespread fungal disease in crops and ornamental plants that occurs in more than 100 different species. Some species, such as powdery mildew, only attack certain plants. There is a general distinction between real and soft mold.

The fungus of good weather: powdery mildew

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A white mealy layer on top of the leaves is the typical damage pattern for powdery mildew.

Powdery mildew is a fungus called pleasant weather, which means it forms when it is warm and dry. It can be recognized as a clean, white, then dirty brown coat on top of leaves and flowers. The leaves turn brown and dry, the flowers wilt. Entire parts of the plant can die in a large infestation.

Powdery mildew comes mainly Roses, asters too Cucumbers, carrots and currants in front. The affected parts of the plants should be removed and disposed of. Then milk treatment is recommended. To do this, mix fresh milk (preferably raw milk, without UHT milk) in a 1: 8 ratio with water and spray the plant with it every few days. The microorganisms contained in the milk fight the fungus effectively and naturally. They also strengthen the plant.

The bad weather fungus: mildew

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Downy mildew shows brownish-yellow spots on the top of the leaf.

Downy mildew is a “bad weather fungus”, it loves humidity and attacks ornamental plants and many useful plants such as peas, lamb lettuce, lettuce, cabbage, radishes, radishes, salsify, spinach, onions and Vines. The damage pattern differs from that of powdery mildew: both sides of the leaf are affected. The white layer appears at the bottom of the leaf, and a gray or gray-violet mushroom lawn is usually formed there. You can see light or yellowish spots on the top of the leaf. The blade dies. If the fungus is not treated, the entire plant can die.

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Natural vegetable broths help against mildew. They are sprayed on the leaves.

The following also applies to downy mildew: remove infected leaves. The fungus itself can be fought naturally with various vegetable broths. For example, the use of field horsetail has been shown to be effective. It is easy to produce, diluted with water and regularly sprayed on the infected plant. Alternatively you can make a beer Use tansy or garlic. For the latter, cut four cloves of garlic and pour a liter of boiling water over them.

Avoid mold infestation

Of course, it is best if the plants are not attacked by mold in the first place. The following tips can help:

  • When planting or sowing, choose resistant varieties.
  • Avoid excessive fertilization, especially with nitrogen.
  • Make sure the plants are not too tight and have enough air and sun.
  • Place herbs such as basil, chervil, or chives between plants. Avoid dusty mold.
  • Protect the leaves from humidity, water the plants from below, preferably in the morning or in the afternoon.
  • Eliminate weeds, as it is often attacked, the fungus can spread from there.
  • Strengthening plants specifically makes them less susceptible. The field horsetail is particularly suitable for strengthening.
  • If a plant is infected, remove the affected leaves and flowers immediately and burn or dispose of them in your household trash, never compost!

More information

Powdery mildew is a typical rose disease. It is important to choose the correct location for the flowers. If the roses are infected, a milk home remedy helps.

Apple trees should be examined for fungi in the spring. If powdery mildew is not removed, it can spread quickly throughout the tree.


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