Press review of the vaccination summit: “A great diversionary maneuver”


secondSummer deliveries of the coveted corona vaccine in Germany are expected to increase significantly. After the federal and state vaccination summit, municipalities in particular expect more security in planning vaccines for citizens.

But Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) is counting on “tough weeks of shortage” of the vaccine until April. Even the summit won’t change that. Some of those involved had lowered their expectations beforehand.

In the comments the following day, the outcome of the meeting is correspondingly poorly received; In addition to a bit of cautious optimism, a lack of understanding of the previous, current and planned actions of political actors predominates.

Read WELT author Thomas Vitzthum’s analysis here

Angela Merkel:

“Hour”: “Whatever is needed, but this time really “

“Gone are the days when globalization in this country meant, above all, a miraculous increase in freedom, mobility, sales markets and labor. Because global networking today also means that an underfunded healthcare system in African countries has an impact on when you can sit in the pub in Germany without worrying again. German normalcy is suddenly being negotiated in the global south …

The obvious conclusion from all this is that all political and economic energy must be directed to expanding vaccine production capabilities. If you want to win the race against mutants, this means that more and more people in more and more regions of the world must be vaccinated in an increasingly shorter period of time. Whatever is needed, but this time really …

That means an unprecedented global effort, you could also say: a new look at the world. It is even more astonishing how calm and ideologically obsessed with all the fundamental issues related to this country that has been discussed thus far.

Michael Müller (SPD, lr), Angela Merkel (CDU) and Markus Söder (CSU) on their way to the press conference after the vaccination summit

Michael Müller (SPD), Angela Merkel (CDU) and Markus Söder (CSU / from left) on their way to the press conference after the vaccination summit

Source: dpa / Hannibal Hanschke

“Süddeutsche Zeitung”: the government could have planned borders from the beginning

“The more problems with vaccination spread, the more reports there are of vacant vaccination centers in countries, delayed deliveries by manufacturers, supposedly too small orders from the EU Commission and of serious gaps in vaccination. of the elderly: the most Many politicians feel the need to point fingers at others more intensely. …

But the government could have guessed at an early stage where companies are reaching the limits of their capabilities. She could have encouraged and supported cooperation at an early stage. …

From this point of view, the vaccination summit is at least a start to improve things from now on, a bitterly necessary start in trying not to lose the people who, with a large majority, still support the government’s actions. “.

“Münchner Merkur”: “A great fun maneuver”

“It is more than irritating language that crept into statements by some politicians in the run-up to the ‘vaccination summit’: Because vaccine manufacturers have proven to be so unreliable, politicians must now take enforcement action to guarantee the protection of the population.

also read

Volker Erb, 56, is a lawyer and chair of the chair of criminal law and criminal procedural law at Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz.

Acquisition of the Corona vaccine

In reality, it was the opposite: private research companies have developed the vaccine that will save it at record speed, but due to the failure of the policy it does not reach the citizens of Europe in time.

That costs many lives every day. But the new discourse fits into the worldview of Merkel’s Republic: good politics are responsible for morals, bad companies only for their own benefit. If you put all that jingling aside, the Berlin vaccination summit was one thing above all: a great diversionary maneuver. “

also read

Economy Minister Peter Altmaier:

Minister of Economy Altmaier

“Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung”: There is a risk that the bond of solidarity will be broken

Now don’t lose your temper. The longer the corona pandemic lasts, the more people feel harassed or even locked up, and the more desperate hundreds of thousands try again and again without success for a vaccination appointment, the greater the risk that the bond of solidarity will be broken. That cannot happen.

Because it would set the country back in the fight against the pandemic for weeks and months if the rules were suddenly no longer taken seriously or if there were even street protests like in the Netherlands. The vaccination summit in Berlin was good news due to its long duration. Because the participants pointed out like this: We give everything ”.

“Leipziger Volkszeitung”: commitment, reliability, trust

“After mutual feedback with manufacturers, the federal and state governments are now initiating a new strategy for the first time in the history of the Federal Republic of Germany to vaccinate almost the entire population in record time.

But even the most beautiful national vaccination plan is of little use if the appointment doesn’t even work, not to mention delivery cuts by manufacturers.

So that the vaccination summit of the Chancellor and the heads of government of the states with the pharmaceutical companies does not remain as a symbolic policy, now we must carry all the efforts that have already been made: commitment, seriousness, trust. At all levels. “
