Press comments on Merkel’s appeal: “Chancellor has rarely been seen like this”


With an emotional speech, Chancellor Merkel asks people to be “patient and sensible” in the fight against the crown pandemic. The CDU politician also misses lightness, and apparently touches a nerve, as press reviews show.

Fearing further increases in the number of corona infections in the fall and winter, Chancellor Angela Merkel has asked all citizens to adhere to the protection rules. “Now we have to understand that it depends on each and every individual,” Merkel said. “I appeal to all of you: adhere to the rules that must continue to apply in the near future,” Merkel said in a speech that was sometimes emotional during the general debate on the federal budget. Everyone should be “patient and sensible”.

The caution is waning at this time, everyone yearned for greater joy – “I myself can feel that,” said the Chancellor. But “we are risking everything we have achieved in recent months.” Everyone wanted to avoid another national shutdown, “and we can do it too.” Now, however, everyone would have to be on the alert again: Fall and winter would be a long way off.

This is how the press values ​​the appearance of the Chancellor:

the “New newspaper from Osnabrück” comments: “Chancellor has rarely been seen like this: Angela Merkel addresses people not only soberly and objectively, but very emotionally. After the federal government and states agreed to tougher rules against Corona, the chief of government appeals directly to all citizens, to pay more attention to each other so that life as we knew it can return as quickly as possible. It is important to prevent the pandemic from breaking out again in time. Often, they are the same people those facing a new confinement and, at the same time, fear The fact that even the leader of the FDP, Christian Lindner, one of the biggest skeptics of Corona’s measures, thanked the chancellor for her appropriate words yesterday shows: Merkel gave a remarkable speech. “

In the “Süddeutsche Zeitung” is called:[llamado: “Chancellor Angela Merkel never cared much about talking about herself. (…) But now, of all things, in what was probably her last general debate, the chancellor changed that (…). She spoke with urgency about people’s fears, about the longing for closeness, contact, contact – and then he began to talk about himself (…) That shows, like no other message, that his concern is great. At the same time, of course, he also makes a great promise: that life as we know it will come back. ‘Families will celebrate again, clubs, theaters and football stadiums will be filled again. What a joy it will be.’

“Time” writes: “Merkel believes that she cannot do politics without a crisis; that she needs a crisis for the population to support her. Until the first two years of her chancellorship there was always an important event to which she had to react – After that, the country She saw a little different than before. But now Merkel is having a new experience. In this crisis, little by little she is losing her approval, not in a certain sector of the population as in the refugee issue, but in all parts: We Germans are not a horde of unreasonable rule breakers, but many have grown weary and ask about the meaning of the measures.

the “Daily News” means, medium: In this sense, the meeting of the country’s leaders with Merkel sent a good signal: the federal and state governments, for once, to some extent together and with consolation. A set of common rules for private celebrations, for fines. A hotspot strategy. Another word from Corona Times than six months ago. No one would have understood. Always proceed at the regional level, that is what the Chancellor of Corona translates. However, that the federal government does not have a national test strategy – perhaps it should arrive in mid-October – that there are currently no uniform regulations at the national level for travelers returning from risk areas, although on Monday in Hesse, Schleswig- Holstein, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Hamburg are starting the fall holidays – they are more than just blemishes. “We have learned a lot,” says Corona’s chancellor. But apparently not enough. “

Of the “Südwest Presse” The following assessment comes from Ulm: “It is important that Chancellor Angela Merkel appeals to reason in the crown pandemic. Instead of the measures being explained, we are in a mad competition between the federal states. Such exaggerations and decisions poorly communicated they fuel uncertainty and fear. Much worse: they undermine exactly what they are supposed to do: people’s acceptance of the necessary restriction of their freedom. “

the “Rhein-Zeitung” de Koblenz writes:
“As early as 2008, she immediately felt what was important in the financial market crisis: grab it instead of speaking. Experts knew she had come a long way when she and Finance Minister Peer Steinbrück guaranteed the safety of all deposits. The deciding factor was the psychological effect Merkel re-enters crisis mode. She does not even deal with the corona risk deniers, but asks that each individual do their part to save human lives. That will remain the Merkel years in Germany “.

the “Main echo” assesses the Chancellor’s statements as follows: “Merkel is serious. She is driven by genuine concern that the virus will destroy all previous successes. Also, do not forget: her chancery ends in a year Merkel is not like that. Al At the same time, the speech also showed the limits that it has reached: its song of praise for federalism cannot hide the fact that just one day after the meeting with the prime minister it is no longer known what measure is being taken. Which state is applying now. “
