Press Comment: ‘Frankfurter Rundschau’ at Aus for Travel Coupon Solutions | Message


FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX) – “Frankfurter Rundschau” activated for travel voucher solutions “:

“The crown crisis exposes misinterpretations in the business world. In the travel industry, a practice that is highly questionable has taken hold: advances and advances for flights or hotel accommodation. These are nothing but interest-free loans for the companies”. Loans are the business of banks, so financial institutions are required to pay security systems. If a bank fails, the deposit insurance system intervenes. In tourism, on the other hand, there are only rudimentary security systems for clients’ money. Politicians have deliberately ignored this. And now we have disaster. The crown crisis has brought down the prepaid system. First, the federal government tried to save the collapse by expanding credit, at the expense of voucher customers. Fortunately, the EU does not participate. Now a state rescue fund is needed to prevent massive bankruptcies Indians “/ yyzz / DP / nas
