What expectant mothers and prenatal doctors should know: tell the ultrasound experts
Pregnant women are concerned not only with their own health, but above all with that of their unborn child. These concerns are particularly great during the Corona pandemic. But according to the current data situation, but still very scarce, there is little to suggest that future mothers and their fetuses are more at risk of the virus than the general population, the German Society for Ultrasound in Medicine (DEGUM) is striking about this. In order to identify possible risk factors for the mother and child in time, DEGUM advises to carry out preventive examinations on a regular basis, both during the pandemic crown and in general. This especially applies to fine diagnostic ultrasound controls. Since the treating doctor and the pregnant woman are very close to each other during these exams, special hygiene and protection measures should be applied during these times.
The data available so far for pregnant, unborn and newborn babies with COVID-19 is still sparse. Based on these findings, healthy pregnant women do not belong to a special risk group for COVID-19, because the virus is life-threatening, especially for people with previous health problems and for older people. Also, men are affected more frequently than women. However, like other viral infections, the virus can affect the course of pregnancy. “If pregnant women regularly participate in preventive examinations, and in particular ultrasound examinations, potential risk factors such as high blood pressure or gestational diabetes can be identified at an early stage,” says PD Dr. med . Kai-Sven Heling, Vice President of DEGUM. “Since these women fall into a special risk group with respect to COVID-19, their pregnancy course must be closely monitored. For example, you could also benefit from delivery at a perinatal center. ” However, to date there are no indications of possible childhood malformations due to the COVID-19 virus. Furthermore, the data available so far does not indicate that the virus can be transmitted from mother to unborn child. However, pregnant women in Italy and Wuhan, for example, still suffer from COVID-19. The course of the disease is still being monitored by them, “Heling said. “This could lead to new ideas.”
To ensure that everything is fine for the fetus and if there are risk factors such as diabetes or high blood pressure in pregnant women, DEGUM recommends that pregnant women, both during the crown pandemic and in general, regularly perform preventive tests during pregnancy. This also includes prenatal ultrasound diagnostic exams, such as fine diagnosis between 11-13 and large organ ultrasound around the 20th week of pregnancy. “With the detailed diagnostic examination around the 20th week of pregnancy, the heart, arms and legs, as well as the brain and face of the fetus, can be fully examined. Therefore, we can determine with a high degree of certainty if everything is in order with the physical development of the fetus, “emphasizes Professor Dr. med. Rabih Chaoui of the Berlin Practice for prenatal diagnosis. An examination with Doppler ultrasound In this way, blood flow in the maternal and infant vessels can be controlled and, therefore, if the placenta takes proper care of the fetus.
Due to the crown pandemic, the Berlin practice is conducting examinations on pregnant women under special security measures. According to the expert, this should generally apply to examinations during pregnancy during the pandemic, to better protect pregnant women against coronavirus infection. “There should be as few patients as possible in practice at the same time,” advises Chaoui. This had to be taken into account when programming. A minimum distance of two meters should also be maintained in the waiting room and, to the extent that the respective examination allows, in the examination room if possible to prevent infection. Thorough hygiene of the hands of the doctor and the pregnant woman is also relevant. Doctors, medical staff and, if possible, the pregnant woman herself should wear a protective mask for the mouth and nose during the ultrasound examination, because the protection from infections of pregnant women and staff is the maximum priority. Couples, children or family members may not be present during the tests for reasons of protection against infection.
If expectant mothers develop COVID-19, the examination should be postponed until after quarantine. “If a pregnant woman is suspected of having COVID-19, she should be best cared for in a clinical setting where the attending physician wears the appropriate protective clothing,” emphasizes Dr. Dr., an expert at DEGUM. med. Karl Oliver Kagan, Head of “Prenatal Medicine” at the Tübingen University Hospital. In pregnant women who are not suspected of being infected with the virus, ultrasound checks should be performed for the good of the mother and child if possible. “To better protect pregnant women and medical personnel against a COVID-19 infection, hygiene requirements must be strictly followed,” Kagan concludes.
More information:
Dashraath P, Jing Lin Jeslyn W. et al Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic and pregnancy. At J Obstet Gynecol. 2020 [im Druck]
Yu N, Li W, Kang Q. et al. Clinical characteristics and obstetric and neonatal outcomes of pregnant patients with COVID-19 in Wuhan, China: a retrospective descriptive study of a single center. Lancet Infect Dis. 2020 [im Druck]
Yang H, Wang C, Poon LC. Novel coronavirus infection and pregnancy. Obstet Gynecol 2020 Ultrasound; 55: 435-437
Chen H, Guo J, Wang C. et al. Clinical characteristics and potential for vertical intrauterine transmission of COVID-19 infection in nine pregnant women: a retrospective review of medical records. Lancet 2020; 395: 809-815
About DEGUM:
The German Society for Ultrasound in Medicine (DEGUM) offers a forum for the scientific and practical exchange of experience in the field of medical ultrasound. It brings together around 11,000 doctors from various specialized areas, medical assistants, scientists and natural technicians. Ultrasound diagnosis is the imaging method most frequently used in medicine today. Ultrasound users are DEGUM certified with a corresponding Level I to III certificate. Patients can find DEGUM-certified doctors on the Internet at: www.degum.de
Source: German Society for Ultrasound in Medicine (DEGUM)
Internet: www.degum.de
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