Power struggle for the presidency of the CDU: round of applications without concrete plans


The Junge Union had invited Berlin, and the three candidates for the CDU presidency answered questions. Laschet, Merz, and Röttgen differed in style; in terms of content, the contrasts were still quite small.

By Sabine Henkel, ARD capital studio

The first word belongs to Armin Laschet. You use it to widely expand your unique selling proposition among candidates. His strategy: say what he is doing: rule, lead, exercise power in North Rhine-Westphalia: “I will!” Laschet is already doing it while others still want to. He emphasizes that over and over again.

Friedrich Merz and Norbert Röttgen, however, are not very impressed. Anyone who wants to lead the CDU is not easily intimidated. Especially not about a prime minister whose strength is known to be not speech. Here, too, Laschet easily slips into bragging.

Merz speaks as if he is already chancellor, Röttgen demands courage

Merz and Röttgen are more focused and to the point. “I am in favor of an ecological renewal of the social market economy,” said Friedrich Merz. “We can only solve the major environmental challenges of our time with the most modern technologies, and not without them.”

This is how someone who has already risen to become head of the CDU and whose competence is economic policy speaks with confidence and confidence. He speaks as if he’s already in office, not just as head of the CDU, but also as chancellor. “We will no longer pass resolutions, no more laws that shift the burdens of today into the future and then be imposed on the younger generation.”

Merz, the big one: watch your competitors from almost two meters from above. Röttgen does not question that, he is combative, almost passionately presenting his idea of ​​the CDU of the future. “So we have to become more feminine, then we have to become younger, become more digital. We have to become more interesting. We have to have politics again, we have to fight again,” is his call. “It works, it takes courage.”

Laschet trusts Spahn

No differences in content despite Junge Union survey. All three want digitization, intergenerational justice as well, an efficient climate policy; they have specific plans that they keep to themselves.

In general, Laschet wants to continue as Merkel, sees the party in the political center, Röttgen also wants to stay in this center, but still become more modern – Merz is not talking about a course about a political direction, he believes that many things are not going well and surely you can do better. It is clear that it is more conservative than the other two anyway.

The Junge Union experiences an infallible Merz, a combative Röttgen and a Laschet who almost lags behind, who then pulls a trump card from his sleeve at the end: “This is why I want to fight Jens Spahn, who is part of the team, because I understand that a game can only be managed as a team “. The second unique and probably most important selling point is your second Spahn, as long as you stay in the second row.
