Power did not fill it


Thomas Oppermann was athletic, he liked to run on the Brocken in the Harz Mountains and he looked younger than himself. This is another reason why the sudden death of the 66-year-old man is so concerned.

Someone at the company everyone knew and loved dies suddenly. Thomas Oppermann wanted to do what he had done so many times: give an interview. Nothing special for a few minutes at home in Göttingen. Collapse and death. Out of nowhere, without warning. In full life, as it is now called in the obituaries of his fellow friends, who were not only in the SPD, but also in other parties.

It is like this: in the middle of life we ​​are surrounded by death. We all know that each one represses it, what else? Politics devours people more than other professions because they are constantly on the presentation plate and are scrutinized: grades for appearance and behavior, for intelligence and character, for speeches or Silence, whether it seems confident or easily offended. You must be professional, but also confident. Rule us, but also be one of us.

Sympathy for the likeable colleague Oppermann

Then when someone is ripped from life, the other politicians pause for a moment. Expressions of sadness and sadness are often made honestly. Solidarity is a beautiful but scarce good, more available in the face of death. The sympathy that Thomas Oppermann receives everywhere goes to the fair and understanding colleague and follows the thought: Oh God, that could happen to me, wait for the assignment in “Berlin direkt” and bang, it’s over.

A few weeks ago I was in a small group with Thomas Oppermann. He was relaxed and looked distinguished, which is not the norm among Social Democrats. He was at peace with himself, he didn’t want to compete again next year, he was 66 years old, it was enough. He would have liked to be more than in the second row, Interior Minister for example, but before him there were several people in power who also came from Lower Saxony: Schröder, Stuck, Gabriel. Since next year I wanted to do something different again, as they say when you decided to leave.

The human aspect was strongest in Oppermann

Oppermann was not a man of power. It was well read and thoughtful. Slim and sporty. He didn’t drink, he looked considerably younger than he was. In the Harz he liked to run on the Brocken. A nice conversation partner, precisely because he didn’t puff up. He would have given it to him if he had been able to watch many more games from his BG Göttingen, because he had been a basketball fan since his youth.

Of course, Thomas Oppermann knew what power is, but he did not fill it. The human was stronger, so he was not lost in thirty years of politics. How nice for him and what a shame that life after politics is denied him.
