Post-US Election: Trump Sues, Biden Confident


The president of the United States, Trump, is suing before the melting of the projections in several states. Therefore, it is possible for the courts to rule on the subsequent course of the count. The Challenger Biden hasn’t been impressed so far.

Faced with the possibility of an electoral defeat, the president of the United States, Donald Trump, wants to take legal action against the electoral process in several states. Trump announced lawsuits in all the states where his Democratic challenger Joe Biden “recently” claimed victory. Trump justified this as the day before with voter fraud, but again did not provide evidence for this claim.

The winner of the presidential election has yet to be determined. The focus of attention is the count in five highly competitive states: Nevada and Arizona, where Biden is slightly ahead, as well as Pennsylvania and Georgia, where Trump’s strict leadership is thinning. Your advantage in North Carolina is also limited.

Wave of lawsuits from Trump’s field

In Pennsylvania, Trump now wants a court to prevent mail-in ballots that arrive on Friday from being valid. Before the elections, the United States Supreme Court had approved the plan. However, three conservatives among the nine judges were open to taking up the issue.

In Georgia, Trump went to court because 53 late postal ballots were considered. According to media reports, a judge dismissed the claim as unfounded. In the state of Michigan, where the media has already declared Biden the winner, a judge also dismissed a complaint by Trump’s campaign team about the handling of votes by mail. This was aimed at achieving a count freeze.

Trump is likely targeting mail-in votes because, according to polls, Democratic supporters in particular use mail-in voting, while Republicans prefer to vote themselves on Election Day. Thus, postal votes could go to Biden more often than to Trump. More Americans than ever used the mail vote this year, among other things, to avoid infection with the coronavirus in the queues in front of polling stations.

Republicans call for recount in Wisconsin

In the state of Wisconsin, which is also assigned to Biden, Trump is demanding a recount, which is justified under local regulations, as Biden’s lead is extremely narrow at about 21,000 votes.

Trumo also stationed his attorneys in Nevada: In the constituency in which the gambling metropolis of Las Vegas is located, the votes of the deceased and thousands of people who have since moved have reportedly been counted. So far there is no evidence of this.

Election observers do not see any irregularities

The experts gave the lawsuits little chance of success. The legal fight could still create uncertainty for days or weeks. The deadline to resolve any legal dispute related to the election is December 8.

But buying time is also the real intention behind the lawsuits, “in the hope that some serious anomaly will occur,” suspects law professor Robert Yablon of the University of Wisconsin-Madison. So far, there has been no evidence of systematic irregularities in the vote counting.

The head of the OSCE observation mission for the US elections, FDP politician Michael Georg Link, spoke at rbb Similary. No rule violations were found. “There was no alteration or systemic manipulation.”

Biden is confident of victory

Biden’s team was unimpressed by Trump’s complaints and legal efforts. Victory is imminent, said campaign manager Jen O’Malley Dillon. He called Trump’s actions “desperate.” Biden himself asked for patience in light of the ongoing vote counting on Twitter: “Be patient, folks. Votes are counted and we feel good about where we are.”

Speaking to his supporters, the Democrat had previously been confident: “Now, after a long night of scrutiny, it is clear that we are winning enough states to get the 270 votes that are necessary to win the presidency,” he said in his city Wilmington native. Unlike Trump, the 77-year-old refrained from declaring himself the winner in advance. He stated: “We will not rest until all the votes have been counted.”

Trump, for his part, published numerous tweets in which he rebuked the vote count and alleged fraud. His clue that still existed Tuesday night “magically disappeared” in one state after another. Pennsylvania is “working hard” to quickly “disappear” half a million votes. There is no evidence for this. Twitter noticed several messages of “possibly misleading” statements.

The “Focal Point: Fight for the White House” reported on this issue on November 5, 2020 at 9:15 pm.
