Post Reactions: Facebook and Twitter Block Trump


The current president of the United States, Trump, is known to enjoy communicating on Twitter and Facebook. After the riots in Washington, the corporations took an unprecedented step: they temporarily banned Trump.

Twitter and Facebook are temporarily detaining outgoing US President Donald Trump. In an unprecedented move, Facebook announced that Trump would not be able to post for 24 hours. The reason for the block is violations of the online network guidelines.

The outgoing president had violated the rules of the online network with two contributions, a spokesman said Thursday night, among other things, from the “Axios” website. Twitter had previously blocked Trump for twelve hours and threatened a permanent ban if he did not delete the posts. The posts were removed from the respective Trump accounts.

“You are something very special”

The trigger for the shutdown was, among other things, a video in which Trump asked his followers to leave the United States Parliament building, but at the same time repeated his unsubstantiated claims about alleged electoral fraud. He also showed sympathy for the attackers. Then he said, “We love you. You are very special.”

In another post on platforms, Trump wrote: “These are things and events that happen when a crushing and holy victory is so suddenly and petty stolen.” Addressing his followers, he wrote: “Go home in love and peace. Remember this day forever.” Trump supporters had stormed the House of Parliament in Washington as deliberations were under way to confirm the electoral victory of his successor Joe Biden.

Too late reaction of the networks?

While some observers welcomed the crackdown on internet platforms, some experts accused companies of simply messing with Trump and his supporters for years. All along, they could have spread dangerous misinformation among the people and instigated the violence that contributed to the recent escalation.

Jennifer Grygiel, a communications scholar and social media expert at Syracuse University, saw the events on Capitol Hill as a direct result of Trump’s use of online platforms to spread propaganda and misinformation. These tech companies should take some responsibility for their own inaction, Grygiel said. His decision to remove the Trump video is too small and too late. Social media is involved because Trump has repeatedly used social media to incite violence.
