Possible stricter restrictions: health senator proposes measures similar to blockade – Berlin


Germany and the capital are bracing for a further increase in new corona infections. Even the strictest restrictions until a new lock are no longer excluded.

In Berlin, one of the current hotspots for the pandemic, health senator Dilek Kalayci (SPD) has proposed measures similar to the lockdown in a step-by-step plan in case the situation worsens.

In the document that is available for the Tagesspiegel, in addition to the “Status Quo” at “Level 1”, a slight adjustment of the applicable rules is provided. In “Level 2”, among other things, a “prohibition of overnight stays by tourists” is indicated, for which bathrooms, museums, nurseries and schools will be closed, for which, as in spring, there must be “emergency care for systemically important professional groups “.

It has not yet been determined from what “level 2” infection rate could take effect; internally it is said that the measures proposed by the senator as a last resort will at least “come close” to closing in spring.

In the Senate, the Greens and leftists are said to have asked Kalayci for a “different communication” that the Social Democrat should avoid the word “lockdown.” Members of the Red-Red-Green Senate want to discuss it on Tuesday.

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Lederer: “Discuss thoroughly”

Berlin Culture Senator Klaus Lederer (left) warned of the harsh restrictions and urged caution. “We will take the time to thoroughly discuss the dynamics of the pandemic and how to deal with it in the Senate,” Lederer said.

Unlike in March, more is known about how Covid-19 works. That is why Berlin should “be able to take more differentiated paths” than at the end of March, Lederer said. Protection of endangered groups, information, meaningful and easily understandable rules are essential.

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About 1,000 police officers, half of them federal police officers, moved through Berlin on Saturday to monitor the expansion of the mask requirement in weekly markets and busy streets; there were dozens of rape warnings, especially in the Neukölln district.

85 nurseries are partially or totally closed due to quarantine measures. That is three percent of Berlin’s kindergartens.

The Prime Minister’s Conference is scheduled for next week, chaired by the Mayor of Government Michael Müller (SPD), and due to the contagion situation, it will be developed as a video conference. Here, too, it will be about the need for a nationwide tightening.

Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU).Photo: Stefanie Loos / Pool via Reuters

“Surely” there will be a conversation with Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU), the Tagesspiegel learned from the country circles. Government spokesman Steffen Seibert announced upon request that an exact date for a new federal / state meeting had not yet been set. Merkel hopes for a drastic reduction in contacts, in addition to avoiding trips and large private meetings.

Chancellor’s Appeal

The declared goal of the federal government is to keep business and economic life open, as well as schools and daycare centers. With an unusual step, Chancellor Merkel again appealed to citizens on Saturday that it is now primarily a matter of them to contain the pandemic.

On his video podcast on Saturday, after a few introductory words, he replayed his much-discussed podcast from the previous week. The pandemic situation has worsened even more. “What I told you last week still applies to me word for word. And then last Saturday’s podcast continues again, “said the Chancellor.

[Behalten Sie den Überblick: Jeden Morgen ab 6 Uhr berichten Chefredakteur Lorenz Maroldt und sein Team im Tagesspiegel-Newsletter Checkpoint das Aktuellste und Wichtigste aus Berlin. Jetzt kostenlos anmelden: checkpoint.tagesspiegel.de]

She would be happy “if one or the other listens to it again or shows it to their friends for whom it is new.” Merkel’s message was also translated into Turkish. He says: “Refrain from any trip that is not really essential, any celebration that is not really necessary. Please stay home whenever possible where you live. ”

The order of the day is “to reduce contacts,” said the chancellor. “If we stick to it, we will all face the enormous challenge posed by this virus together.”

The number of Covid 19 patients to be treated in intensive care has risen significantly for days, as experts predicted: there are currently 1208 intensive care patients, 532 of whom need to be ventilated. In Berlin, only 173 intensive care beds are currently free.

The Robert Koch Institute reported 14,714 new corona infections in one day on Saturday, more than ever since the start of the corona pandemic in Germany. However, since there were occasional data breaches in the broadcast on Thursday, the latest issue could contain corresponding late reports.
