Possible proof: Navalny demands the return of the clothes


More than a month after being poisoned, Alexei Navalny is still on the mend. Now he has asked Russian investigators to return his clothes. In this one can find traces of the neurotoxin Novitschok.

Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny has called on Russia to return the clothes he wore more than a month ago on the day he was poisoned.

“When considering that Novichok was found on my body and that physical contact poisoning is very likely, my clothing is very important evidence,” Navalny wrote on his website. Russian investigators would hide this.

He asked the Russian authorities to return the clothes “carefully wrapped in a plastic bag”.

Laboratory confirmed nerve agent

Navalny passed out on August 20 on a domestic flight in Russia. Doctors at the hospital who treated him in the Siberian city of Omsk said that, according to the Interfax news agency, investigators had stripped the Russian opposition politician’s clothes.

Navalny has been treated at the Berlin Charité since August 22. According to information from various special laboratories, he was poisoned with a nerve agent from the Novichok group. He was in an artificial coma for weeks. He’s doing better now.

“I was not expecting anything else”

The lack of a Russian investigation and allegations about the Russian debates show that Western states or their own supporters could be behind the attack, Navalny commented with the words: “I did not expect anything else.”

Russian authorities claim that no nerve agent has been found. However, independent labs found the poison on his body, Navalny wrote in his blog post. “None of this exists in the political and legal reality of Russia.”

According to the police, numerous interviews

Moscow rejects the suspicion that Russian government agencies may have deliberately poisoned Navalny.

According to their own information, the Russian transport police have interviewed about 200 people during the preliminary investigations of the case. The investigation is still ongoing, he said in Moscow.

Mutual legal assistance requests have also been made to Germany, France and Sweden. Laboratories in these three countries had discovered the Navalny poisoning.
