Politicians, Doctors and Police Demand: Banning Firecrackers on New Year’s Eve: Domestic Politics


Is this the calmest New Years Eve this year?

Because of Corona, politicians, doctors and police are demanding: Firecrackers and fireworks must be banned this year!

“I can say it very clearly: the New Year’s Eve fireworks have to be canceled this year because of the crown,” the head of the German Police Union, Rainer Wendt (63), told BILD. His reasoning: “Alcohol, groups of people and the party atmosphere quickly join the New Year’s Eve capsules.” But that is not fashionable.

Support comes from politics: CSU interior expert Michael Kuffer (48) warns that this year “shooting and fireworks should be banned on New Year’s Eve.” Due to the hot atmosphere of the country, it is too dangerous for people to run through the streets with explosives.

The Interior Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia, Herbert Reul (68, CDU) does not want weapons either. “On Halloween weekend it was very quiet in our party bastions,” Reul told BILD. “I wish it would be the same on New Years Eve.”

First cities prepare ban on fireworks

The first cities are already preparing to ban fireworks on New Year’s Eve. Frankfurt am Main and Hannover are examining the possibility of imposing a corresponding ban. The leader of the Berlin CDU parliamentary group, Burkard Dregger (56), also calls for a firecracker stop this year. The Berlin administration must “with strict control completely avoid New Year’s Eve gunfire and fireworks in the Berlin city center area.”

A week ago, the Netherlands banned New Year’s Eve rockets and firecrackers across the country. Reasons include: there is no capacity for casualties in the clinics. Infectiologist Martin Grobusch from the Amsterdam University Hospital: “We are at the limit of our capacity. Now we have to make sure we don’t have to take care of more patients on New Year’s Eve. “

Very different: the Federal Minister of the Interior, Horst Seehofer (CSU)! The BILD minister: “Fireworks should be possible on New Year’s Eve despite Corona. But here it is also very clear: hygiene rules must be respected with distance and mask. And there will also be controls”
