Politicians at Corona Demonstrations: “Extremists Use Crisis as Platform”


Germany Ziemiak on protests

“Extremists abuse the crown crisis as a platform”

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“I can’t expect everyone in a democracy to agree”

Crown-weary citizens, extremists, opponents of vaccination, and conspiracy theorists: In Berlin, Stuttgart, and other cities, thousands protested against the crown’s restrictions over the weekend, the weather warming up.

Even over the weekend, people from many cities in the country took to the streets against exit restrictions. Leading German politicians warn of radical messages from Crown skeptics.

MeThe same image emerged in several German cities over the weekend: Thousands of people took to the streets to protest restrictions on the Corona crisis, often ignoring the ban on large gatherings and the rules on distance.

In a demonstration in front of the Reichstag building in Berlin, the police arrested 45 people for not complying with the crown containment rules. The main problem was to determine personal details because, despite the police announcement, there were too many people in the square in front of the Reichstag or the minimum distance was not observed. Cook Attila Hildmann, known for her vegan recipes, was also asked by police to be assigned a different protest site after “emotions” were shaken off in front of the Reichstag regarding the demonstration, a spokeswoman said. However, he was not arrested and then left the plaza.

The main politicians warned of a radicalization of the protest. CDU Secretary General Paul Ziemiak told the “Augsburger Allgemeine”: “We do not allow extremists to use the Corona crisis as a platform for their undemocratic propaganda.” The CDU takes citizens’ concerns seriously. “But it is also clear that we are taking action against those who are now feeding citizens’ concerns with conspiracy theories and circulating false news.”

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SPD leader Saskia Esken was in a conversation with media group Funke newspapers saying that those who deny the pandemic and demand a violation of protection rules blatantly exploit people’s insecurity to destabilize and divide society. . “Look the other way and the silence doesn’t help. We have to deal with this and show that we are fighter Democrats. ”

The Greens parliamentary group, Konstantin von Notz, considered it legitimate to question measures and express resentment. “But everyone who runs and fundamentally questions the system and thinks that the politicians as a whole are puppets of George Soros and Bill Gates,” he criticized on WELT. Esken emphasized that violence against police officers was as intolerable as attacks on journalists.

The FDP chief of Thuringia and short-term Prime Minister Thomas Kemmerich also participated in the protests on Saturday. The images show how he ran close to other Gera participants without a mouth guard. FDP chief Christian Lindner harshly criticized: “Anyone campaigning for civil rights and a smart opening strategy does not manifest itself in dark circles and does not renounce distance and protection.” Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann, a FDP board member, called for Kemmerich’s party to leave WELT. “Personally, I am very disappointed with Thomas Kemmerich, whom I was able to experience as a very nice colleague until early February,” said Strack-Zimmermann. “Obviously, now he’s not only physically seeking proximity to the AfD, but also conspiracy theorists, and he’s probably now liked his course of destroying democracy as well.”

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The document by an employee of the Federal Interior Ministry caused a sensation, in which he massively questions the strategy against the crown pandemic, under the official letterhead of the department, and speaks of a “false global alarm” according to media reports. The ministry rejected the letter on Sunday as “private opinion.” According to “Spiegel”, the man was released from his duties.

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Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) called on citizens to join in the fight against the crown pandemic. There are “legitimate debates” about the consequences of current restrictions on containing the new coronavirus, Spahn said Sunday night in the ZDF’s “Today Journal”. “In a free country that is part of it.” But how these discussions are conducted is crucial. “We make them so that we respect each other in the controversy, or we make some try to separate, as we saw in the demonstrations, cook their soup and separate everyone,” said Spahn. In his opinion, the polarization of society regarding the crown measures is increasing.

Federal Justice Minister Christine Lambrecht (SPD) called on citizens in the “Berlin Report” on Sunday night to take responsibility for their fellow man. “They also have these protesters, who are currently taking to the streets without a face mask and without space,” he emphasized. At the same time, the Minister assured that it was very important “to address the concerns and worries that are expressed on the street and not simply dismiss them.” Across the country there were protests against crown protection measures over the weekend. According to the police, hundreds of people sometimes took to the streets without keeping the minimum distance.

Another warning sign now comes from science: According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), the number of views increased from 1.13 on Sunday (from May 10 at 00:00). This means that an infected person infects more than just another person. Therefore, the value is still above the critical mark of 1.0 rated by the RKI. However, the number is subject to a certain degree of uncertainty.
