Political impeachment: Trump acquitted – politics


The United States Senate has voted against the subsequent impeachment of former US President Donald Trump. Although 57 senators voted to impeach Trump, including seven Republican senators, it was not enough for the required two-thirds majority to subsequently remove the former US president from office. 17 Republican senators would have had to vote with the Democrats. The process came to an end after just five days.

Former President Donald Trump himself said after the acquittal that his political movement was just beginning. “Our historic, patriotic and beautiful movement to make America great again has just begun,” said the Republican. “There has never been anything like it!” Trump thanked Republican senators for the acquittal. Democrats tried to undermine the rule of law, he said.

In essence, the impeachment process focused on the question of whether Donald Trump had incited his followers to storm the Capitol on January 6, “thus inciting an uprising.” In the United States Senate there has been a violent exchange of blows between the defense and the prosecution in recent days. Subsequently, both the prosecution and Trump’s defense attorney had two hours each to deliver their final statements.

Previously, senators had surprisingly voted to hear a witness. Republican Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler is said to have critical information about a phone call between Republican House Leader Kevin McCarthy and Donald Trump that allegedly took place during the Jan.6 storm on Capitol Hill.

Beutler released a statement on Friday. He said McCarthy had told him that in his conversation with Trump he had asked the former president to alert his supporters. Trump initially claimed that the rebels were supporters of the leftist Antifa. When McCarthy responded to Trump that they were his supporters, the president allegedly responded, “Well, Kevin, these people are probably angrier than you about this election. After Beutler’s hour-long video hearing, Democratic Chief Prosecutor Jamie Raskin read his testimony in the Senate and recorded his testimony.

Earlier, the leader of the Republicans in the Senate, Mitch McConnell, had made a decision: He would vote for Trump’s acquittal. The influential McConnell had yet to comment on how he would vote. Now he sent a message to Republican senators and announced his intention, it was said from party circles.

Prosecutors and defense attorneys presented their arguments on Friday. Prosecutors again called for the Republican to be convicted of storming the Capitol. “It’s about protecting our republic and setting the standards of conduct for presidents,” warned Chief Prosecutor Raskin. Trump’s defense attorneys, in turn, denied the allegations and spoke of “monstrous lies.”

On Tuesday, the first day of the trial, the United States Senate had declared the impeachment process against former President Donald Trump constitutional. Trump’s advocates’ attempt to stop the so-called impeachment from the start had failed. Six Republican senators voted with all 50 Democratic senators.

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On Wednesday, the prosecution showed a 13-minute video showing how Trump supporters were enraged in and around the Capitol on January 6, showing the hatred, anger and violence of people wearing Trump and Trump hats. : waving flags and shouting “Trump is our boss”. .

On Thursday, Democrats again expanded their arguments by targeting Trump supporters, who were referring directly to the former president in their remarks and actions.
