Police report arrest: two killed in knife attack in Nice


Just days after the murder of French history professor Samuel Paty, a new knife attack shook the country. At least two people were killed in an attack on the local church of Notre-Dame in Nice. Several more are injured.

At least two people were killed in a knife attack in Nice. Police in the southern French coastal city confirmed it. The BFMTV news channel even spoke of three deaths. According to various media reports, there are more injured. Police advised avoiding the area. The antiterrorist prosecution has investigated.

Nice Mayor Christian Estrosi tweeted that the alleged perpetrator had been arrested. According to Estrosi, the act is like a terrorist attack. “Everything points to a terrorist attack in the vicinity of the Notre-Dame Basilica in Nice.” According to Estrosi, French President Emmanuel Macron announced that he would come to Nice late in the morning.

French Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin also confirmed the incident without giving details. Announced an emergency cabinet meeting, Prime Minister Jean Castex left the ongoing parliamentary debate on the new lockdown. Darmanin had repeatedly warned of the high risk of terrorism in the country.

According to unconfirmed media reports, the two victims were beheaded by the attacker in front of the church. In France, a suspected Islamist recently brutally murdered history professor Samuel Paty. They also cut off his head. The case caused great consternation in the country. Tens of thousands took to the streets to show their solidarity.

Nice itself was also badly affected by an Islamist attack in 2016. At the time, the assassin Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel was driving a truck through a crowd on the French national holiday on the Promenade des Anglais. 86 people died.
