Police control driveways: Saxony wants to completely cordon off hotspot communities


Police control roads
Saxony wants to completely cordon off hotspot communities

The number of infections is increasing rapidly in Saxony. Therefore, the state government wants to take drastic measures. Municipalities with a particularly high incidence could be completely isolated from the outside world.

According to media reports, Saxony is examining more drastic measures to curb the growing number of coronavirus infections. According to the newspaper “Bild” and the “Freie Presse”, the state government is considering banning municipalities with a particularly tense corona situation from the outside world. Also, night-out restrictions could be extended to the day. According to these reports, residents are only allowed to go shopping for a predetermined period of time and by the shortest route.

When it was closed, the police blocked all access roads to the affected municipality and people were not allowed to enter or leave the area. Companies and businesses would have to close. The state government will already draw up a list of affected municipalities, reports “Bild” newspaper.

When asked by the German Press Agency, Saxon government spokesman Ralph Schreiber said: “The situation is tense and many people are very concerned. There is currently no concrete decision on further measures.” The state government has not decided anything that applies ad hoc and overwhelms the people. The crisis team is working hard to contain the infection process. “This, of course, also includes scenarios of what measures and options are there if we fail to stop the spread and the numbers continue to explode,” he said, without being specific.

Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer said in state parliament on Wednesday that the pandemic situation in Saxony was currently not under control. He spoke of an “extremely tense situation.” The value of new cases per 100,000 inhabitants in a week continues to increase. It was above 400 for the first time on Wednesday. This is by far the highest value in a comparison of all the federal states.

According to the Ministry of Social Affairs on Wednesday, there were 3,154 new confirmed infections in Saxony compared to the previous day. This means that around 95,500 people have been infected with the virus since the beginning of the pandemic. According to the information, there have been another 70 deaths related to Covid-19. Since the start of the pandemic in 1919, people in the Free State have died in or with Corona.
