Plain text speech Merkel’s Crown: Chancellor admonishes Germans – internal politics


The Chancellor rarely speaks with such emotion.

Angela Merkel (66, CDU) addressed the Germans on Wednesday with an urgent appeal: “We are currently risking everything we have achieved in recent months,” said the chancellor in the general debate.

He urged all citizens to adhere to the rules of Corona. Everyone wanted to avoid another nationwide shutdown, “and we can do it too.” But now everyone would have to be on the alert again: fall and winter would be a long way.

He also thanked everyone “who helped overcome the historical crisis.” But: the pandemic is not over yet. “We are currently seeing caution waning.”

► After all: the Chancellor also gave hope: “I am sure that we will recover the life we ​​knew.” She also felt “the desire for closeness, celebration and carefree”. Now it is important to take care of each other.

Corona-Warnapp called the Chancellor a success and referred to 18 million downloads in Germany. This is unique in Europe, although of course there are “initial problems”.

Merkel calls for a quick return to “normal cleaning”

In view of the high level of new debt due to the Crown crisis, Merkel has also called for a swift return to the debt brake requirements: “We have to get back to normal and constitutional budget management as soon as possible.”

But: in the current situation, high debt is “the right thing to do.”

It is important to invest in an “innovative Germany” during the crisis and “strengthen social cohesion in the country,” said the Chancellor.

The reason for reacting quickly and powerfully is that Germany has had households without new loans for the past six years.

The unity anniversary celebration is canceled

On the 30th anniversary of reunification on October 3, Merkel thanked civil rights activists and protesters in the GDR for the peaceful demonstrations: “This anniversary is an occasion of great joy and gratitude,” and of gratitude. “for the historically unprecedented achievement of an entire people. to achieve reunification inside and out in these 30 years.”

German unity is not a complete state, but an ongoing process. She believes that more efforts are needed to adjust living conditions, but much has also been achieved. This has managed to significantly reduce the differences in living conditions between East and West Germany.

The big but: In the face of the corona pandemic, Merkel said that this “wonderful anniversary” will not be celebrated as she imagined a year ago. “It will be quieter than it really would be for the occasion.”
