Plagiarism investigation at the Free University: new commission to examine Giffey’s doctoral thesis in February – knowledge


The Free University of Berlin wants to complete the re-examination of Franziska Giffey’s (SPD) doctoral thesis “during the current conference period”. FU Vice President Klaus Hoffmann-Holland announced at the FU Academic Senate on Wednesday afternoon.

That would mean that by mid-February 2021 it would be clear whether Giffey University will withdraw the doctorate after all, leave it on the complaint, or issue no sanction.

FU President Günter M. Ziegler said only about the time frame that “they don’t want to do anything that lasts years, but to manage it for the foreseeable future.” It will be checked “openly”.

Ziegler read a 17-minute statement in the Academic Senate on the procedure of the FU and its Presidium in the Giffey plagiarism case. The statement will be posted on the FU home page during Wednesday afternoon or evening.

According to Ziegler, the Otto Suhr Institute (OSI) at FU, where Giffey completed his doctorate, will establish a new examination committee. This should not be a member of the old commission.

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The FU wants to make public the names of the new members, including external ones. “All members will be members with a backbone,” Ziegler said in response to fears that they will not be able to cope with public pressure if their names are known.

The Henry Ford Building of the Free University, where the Academic Senate of the FU meets.Photo: Promo

Unlike before, the mother of Giffey’s doctor, Tanja Börzel, should not be involved in the selection of the commission. This commission created by the doctoral commission will again make a proposal to the presidium, which will then make a final decision on the consequences for Giffey.

This time you see all the work

Also different than before, the new commission should also examine all of Giffey’s work and not just the points that were criticized by the plagiarism platform VroniPlag Wiki. Ziegler left open how the commission should handle this in such a short time.

For the most part, Ziegler vehemently rejected the sometimes sharp public criticism of Freie Universität’s earlier approach to the Giffey case. The criticism was in part “controversial and defamatory.” Only when the doctor’s mother was involved in the selection of the review board did Ziegler admit that objections to the procedure could be justified. However, there was no doubt that the former commissioners were biased.
