Pick up free FFP2 masks at the pharmacy


December 17, 2020 – 1:40 p.m. Watch

When, where and who? 27 million citizens will receive free FFP2 masks

German pharmacies expect a mega run on Tuesday. Because: More than 27 million people from corona risk groups can pick up FFP2 masks there for free. As of Monday there should be a corresponding ordinance from the Federal Ministry of Health. Protective masks are issued in a step-by-step process, which epidemiologist Prof. Ulrichs describes as inconsistent in the RTL interview. We have summarized for you what you have to take into account as of Tuesday.

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Who will get the first free FFP2 skins?

The first step is to use 60 years and people with certain chronic diseases. You can get three of the mouth and nose guards for free at the pharmacy. Consequently, the following criteria must be met:

  • Resident in Germany
  • more than 60 years
  • chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or bronchial asthma
  • chronic heart or kidney failure
  • Cerebrovascular disease, especially stroke
  • Diabetes mellitus type 2
  • active, progressive, or metastatic cancers
  • a therapy that affects the immune system
  • an organ or stem cell transplant
  • a high risk pregnancy

When can the free skins be collected?

Since Tuesday the first masks should be available at local pharmacies. The time to collect is until January 6. According to information from the ministry, it is enough to present the identity card “or the understandable self-disclosure of belonging to one of the risk groups.” Another person can also be authorized to collect the merchandise. This simplified procedure is intended to speed up distribution.

In the second step, these people can Receive twelve more skins starting January 1. To do this, they must receive tamper-proof coupons from the health insurance company for two sets of six FFP2 masks each; a personal contribution of 2 euros each is provided for six masks.

The campaign will cost the federal government around 2.5 billion euros. FFP2 masks are particularly effective at filtering particles from inhaled or exhaled air, but they also do not offer 100% protection. However, Health Minister Jens Spahn cautioned: “Even FFP2 masks do not offer 100 percent protection against the corona virus. But they greatly reduce the risk of infection.”

Pharmacies fear a great rush

The Hessian State Chamber of Pharmacists warns of chaotic conditions when free FFP2 masks are issued to high-risk patients. “This is a huge task that we have to master,” President Ursula Funke said Monday. The pharmacies took the business risk by purchasing the masks for stock and initially made payments in advance. “We can only issue the masks when the regulation goes into effect,” said Funke, who owns a pharmacy in Wiesbaden.

According to Ursula Funke, pharmacies face a great challenge not only in the purchase, but also in the distribution of the masks. Colleagues were looking for a sensible solution, be it, for example, “at the door, through the window or in the yard.” If patients are entitled, they must “credibly assure” or provide proof of identity. “It’s going to be completely chaotic,” Funke said.

Munich pharmacist Martina Zubak also expects a rush Tuesday. Many customers came to the pharmacy on Monday and asked about the free FFP2 masks. He warns people not to rush to the pharmacy on Tuesday to avoid long lines and keep their distance and cover their mouth and nose.
