Peter Altmaier believes that blocking is possible even if the incidence is less than 50


economy Coronavirus

Altmaier believes that blocking is possible even if the incidence is less than 50

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The vaccination summit should provide clarity on the schedules and available vaccines

Politicians are calling for more clarity on the schedules, vaccination priorities and vaccines available from the Corona vaccination summit on Monday. Faced with criticism for the slow start of vaccination and production problems, Merkel wants to discuss the situation with the prime minister.

The Minister of Economy threatens vaccine manufacturers with consequences if they do not comply with their obligations. You don’t see any errors in getting the vaccine. He does not consider incidence to be the only value for the end of the confinement.

secondForeign Economy Minister Peter Altmaier (CDU) does not want to accept discrimination against the European Union by vaccine manufacturers and threatens to take legal action. “As a negotiator, Commission President Ursula von der Leyen made it very clear that all companies must deliver on their promises,” said Altmaier WELT AM SONNTAG.

“Under no circumstances should it give preference to another country over the EU.” He was pleased that the EU Commission had published the contract with the manufacturer AstraZeneca. “If it turns out that individual companies are not meeting their obligations, a decision must be made on the legal consequences,” Altmaier said.

He does not see “obvious serious errors” in the procurement of vaccines for the EU and Germany. Altmaier is also a member of the Federal Cabinet’s Vaccination Task Force. It was right to wait for proper vaccine approvals, even if other countries like Britain could start vaccinating earlier thanks to emergency approvals.

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AMSTERDAM - the ema Scientists from national pharmaceutical authorities sit together at the European Medicines Evaluation Committee CHMP of the European Medicines Agency (EMA) in Amsterdam.  Corona vaccines can be approved very quickly, as long as the manufacturers provide high quality research results Evaluation Drugs (SEM) authorization.  to the European market.  Commission chair Ursula von der Leyen said last week that the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines could be decided from the second half of December.  ROBIN UTRECHT

AstraZeneca vaccine

“I believe that politicians should not interfere in the decisions that only doctors and pharmacologists should make,” Altmaier said. “But it is also correct that we have to review our procedures to see if they can run faster and less bureaucratic, without any loss of quality or safety.”

The federal economy minister did not rule out that the crown blockade should be extended even if the 7-day incidence value of 50 infections per 100,000 inhabitants has been reached. “Current development fuels hope that we can approach 50 incidence relatively quickly,” Altmaier said.

“The length of the lockdown also depends on the degree of spread of the new coronavirus mutations in Germany.” It was seen in Great Britain that the new variant was able to spread rapidly because the blockade there was less strict than that currently applied. in Germany.

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In light of the billions in costs to deal with the crown pandemic, Altmaier urged budget discipline after the fall federal elections. “If you want to avoid tax increases and maintain the debt brake, you would do well to hold back on expensive election promises,” said WELT AM Minister SONNTAG.

He also spoke out in favor of privatization to face the costs of the crisis. “The value of state property has grown considerably in recent years. That is why we must verify which state investments can be reduced, ”said Altmaier. “That also brings money into the state treasury that we can use for future investments.”

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Source: Welt am Sonntag
