Paul McCartney: Fear of “Carpool Karaoke” in Liverpool


Getting close to the stars, getting to know the personal side of celebrities – that’s the goal of many talk shows. But no one is as successful as British actor and presenter James Corden. In his “Carpool Karaoke” series he meets famous musicians, actors or politicians, drives them in the car and sings. Michelle Obama and Billie Eilish have already been invited.

However, no episode attracted as much attention as that of Beatles singer Paul McCartney. McCartney now told “Zeit Magazin” that he originally did not want to participate. He was afraid to return to his parents’ house.

In the episode that has been on YouTube since June 2018, Corden and McCartney drive through Liverpool and rummage through places that appear in Beatles songs, such as “Penny Lane.” And in a pub, McCartney surprised unbelieving fans with a live concert. Finally, Corden and the musician stop in front of the house where McCartney grew up. “I have not been here since I moved when I was 20 years old,” he says in the video. A woman who now lives there opens the door, sits at the piano and plays “When I’m Sixty-Four”. It is the most emotional scene in the video.

Now McCartney says, “I hate to admit that, but I didn’t want to do the show at all. I tried to get out of it until the end, until we got in the car!” But he was glad he hadn’t decided otherwise. “It was the first time. I was afraid it might be weird, but it was great. Suddenly, all kinds of memories came back.”

Icon: The Mirror
