Passau and Regen districts impose exit restrictions


After strict crown measures are likely to be applied for a long time in the city of Passau with an incidence value of 579, the Passau district is also tightening the rules. The incidence value there is currently well above the signal value of 300, that is, 360 (RKI). For this reason, and because there is currently no clear decline in this area, new countermeasures are expected to take effect on Wednesday. This was announced by the Passau District Office.

The Regen district is also tightening corona measures after the incidence value is now around 391.

Measures taken in the district of Passau

The measures adopted in the district of Passau include night-out restrictions, additional restrictions on the operation of schools, restrictions on meetings in accordance with the Bavarian Assembly Act, as well as strict visiting rules at care facilities and of elderly. Details have yet to be announced.

“With these additional restrictions, we are acting where we have found the greatest sources of infection and routes of transmission in recent days and weeks. It is not easy for all of us to intervene with such force in public and private life. Passau District Administrator Raimund Kneidinger

Protecting the health and lives of patients at risk of corona and keeping hospitals running must be the top priority; these restrictions are currently the only alternative, Kneidinger continued.

Exit restrictions also in the Regen district

The district administrator Rita Röhrl mentions the protection of residents in nursing homes and for the elderly, in workshops for the disabled, as well as patients and employees in hospitals as the most important points in the Regen district. “This will happen by restricting all visiting hours, also limiting the number of visitors and organizing mandatory tests for the employees of the facilities.”

At the same time, Röhrl announced changes for the students. “We will go so far that from sixth grade we hope that schools will have the possibility of having students sit 1.50 meters apart. If that is not possible, from sixth grade there will also be alternate classes or possible distance, so it is largely up to schools to determine which class goes into what type of instruction. “

Additionally, there will be an exit ban in the Regen district between 8 pm and 6 am, Röhrl said. “It doesn’t really hurt because the normal population is no longer on the move. Anyone who has to leave the apartment for a good reason can.” The ordinance is expected to apply from Wednesday through December 16, that is, 14 days. So you have to see how the infection process unfolds. “I really hope it goes down, otherwise we will be forced to take more action.”
