Partial closure: country leaders oppose stricter requirements for schools


northFollowing the announcement of a federal government draft resolution for the highest meeting with the heads of government of the federal states on Monday, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania has the Prime Minister Manuela Schwesig (SPD) harshly criticized the Berlin government. “This is not a proposal that has been discussed or agreed with the countries. On the contrary, “Schwesig wrote on Monday on the short message service Twitter.

With a view to children, adolescents and the school sector, the proposals presented by the federal government are “disproportionate,” he added. The “Foreign Ministry’s approach generates uncertainty instead of a common orientation for the population.” The heads of government of the federal states want to discuss the situation of the crown and possible measures with Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) on Monday afternoon.

A federal motion for a resolution was previously announced for the conference. Consequently, the Berlin government had called for a blanket requirement for masks in schools every year and a halving of classes, that is, a kind of alternate shift system for teaching. However, the template has changed since then. Accordingly, the federal states are due to submit a proposal by next week on how the risk of infection in the school sector can be further reduced. The federal and state governments are unlikely to take stricter measures for schools. As the AFP news agency learned from the negotiating circles on Monday, the countries urged to postpone the decision of stricter measures in the school sector.

Several other prime ministers stressed that they did not initially expect new fundamental decisions on Monday, but wanted to assess the situation first.

The heads of country want to take more time

Prime Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia Armin laschet (CDU) did not expect far-reaching decisions in federal-state consultations. Laschet said on “Bild live” that Monday’s appointment was intended as a provisional balance. “No decision can be made about how things will go after November 30.” He recommends “acting calmly and prudently.” Then decisions could be made at another prime minister’s conference a week later.

Prime Minister of Lower Saxony Stephan weil campaigned to take more time for a new crown strategy. The SPD politician told the radio station NDR Info: “Today we should discuss the entire spectrum, including the proposals that apparently the Federal Chancellery has already put on paper, but I think that the resolutions should be part of a general concept in a week or less ten days ”. A general strategy through the New Year creates more clarity than proceeding “bit by bit.” There is still no overview of whether the partial lockdown in November will be enough.

Secretary General of the CDU Paul Ziemak advocated a differentiated approach to the new rules to combat the pandemic in schools. The situation is not only different in the federal states, but also when it comes to the question of how to deal with which age group, Ziemiak said in Berlin on Monday after virtual consultations with his party’s top committees.

It is important that older children or those who are learning to write have to continually wear masks and therefore rely heavily on communication with teachers. “We want to do everything possible to ensure that schooling is possible. It’s about future opportunities, ”Ziemiak emphasized.

Baerbock criticizes restrictions for children

The green chair Annalena baerbock asked the chancellor and the prime ministers of the federal states not to resolve any hardening for children in their deliberations on the corona pandemic. Baerbock said of the plans that were already known, according to which children should only be able to meet a faithful friend, that this would completely ignore the reality of children’s lives and that “it was not proportionate.

Baerbock said such a restriction would not be compatible for children and families, it would be a disaster for single parents. Therefore, it requires that deliberations take into account what kind of life children actually lead. “Children have the right not only to education, but also to child development.” Finally, it must be politically recognized that children are not little adults.

Merkel: Numbers stabilized too slowly

Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) had justified the federal demand for drastic new contact restrictions with still too high a number of new corona infections. According to information from the dpa, Merkel made it clear on Monday at the CDU presidium meeting that the restrictions in force since early November had stabilized. But this is not enough. “The numbers are stabilizing a bit. But too slow, “said the chancellor.

Now it is necessary to further reduce contacts in the private sector, Merkel said after this information. The federal government depends on the participation of the population. The Chancellor also drew attention to different developments in individual cities. There is no reduction in the number of infections in Berlin, unlike in Hamburg or Bremen. There you have to take measurements for the hotspots.

Among other things, the federal government proposes in its draft resolution that fewer people from different households be allowed to meet. Private parties until Christmas should be avoided.

Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn (CDU) spoke at the meeting of the presidium of a lateral movement in the number of infections. The dynamics of the increases are decreasing. But that is not enough.

“I’m in favor of a more difficult course,” says Söder in front of the video switch.

Also the Prime Minister of Bavaria Markus South (CSU) is against relaxation. Before the conference with Merkel, Söder told Bayerischer Rundfunk: “I am in favor of a clearer and tougher course anyway. The decisive question is not whether the countermeasures are effective, but how sustainable.” You have to “get to the famous number 50 of the incidence values”, this is the only way to contain Corona in the long term and track it by the health authorities. Söder thus refers to an incidence of 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in a week from which a region is considered a risk zone.

Söder cautions against quarantining people at home whenever they experience cold symptoms. The federal and state governments would have to “discuss this in detail,” “Morgenmagazin” told the ZDF. Instead of this route, it would be better to switch to “alternative teaching” in schools. The groups should be divided and a part of each should be taught at home via the Internet.

The performance requirements should also be formulated differently. It could not be that students were given exactly the same assignments and tests as in other times, with higher grade pressure due to the pandemic. “It will not be a normal school year, but it should be a fair school year,” Söder said.

The first mayor of Hamburg Peter tschentscher (SPD) came out in favor of banning large demonstrations during the Corona crisis. “Demonstrations with thousands of participants gathering in narrow streets and squares should not be approved in the difficult conditions of the current pandemic,” said the SPD politician of the “Rheinische Post”.

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FDP rejects the tightening

Secretary General of the FDP Volker wissing he said on RTL and n-tv’s “Frühstart” that he didn’t think much of “discussing the adjustment now.” First, we would have to wait for the findings on the efficacy of partial blockade.

The effectiveness of the corona measures could be assessed by the end of this week at the earliest, Wissing said.

Also AfD vice Stephan brandner he criticized the federal government’s draft resolution for new conditions. Not only was the role “completely unacceptable,” the template was “dangerous,” he explained. “The ever deeper interventions in the private lives of citizens are unacceptable.”

The Greens, on the other hand, warned against relaxing the crown restrictions too quickly. “In no case can we promise a relaxation and not that we will have a completely normal Christmas,” said the group leader. Katrin Göring-Eckardt on Südwestrundfunk. However, any additional restrictions must be understandable to citizens.

The left criticized the lack of participation of parliaments in the corona measures. “It cannot be that Merkel, Söder and Laschet have been more or less negotiating the crown policy among themselves for months in the back room,” said the leader of the left group. Dietmar Bartsch the spark from the newspapers.
