Parents despair over new crown measures


December 11, 2020 – 5:02 pm Watch

Armin Laschet (CDU) Quick Action Poses a Big Challenge for Parents

North Rhine-Westphalia Prime Minister Armin Laschet (CDU) turns around: as of Monday, there should no longer be compulsory attendance in state schools. Nurseries remain open but should only be used “if absolutely necessary,” says the state government. This announcement from a Friday poses a big problem for hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of parents: How should childcare at home be reorganized for the weekend, so to speak?

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Many children will be staying home at NRW starting Monday, cared for by their parents.

The new rules arrive suddenly and should be implemented starting Monday. Starting in the eighth grade, lessons are generally no longer taught in the classroom, but at a distance. Schools will remain open until December 18 for students in grades 1-7 and children with special needs. However, parents can decide not to send their children to school.

Nurseries and kindergartens remain open, the care guarantee remains in force. However, the state of North Rhine-Westphalia tries to persuade parents to keep their children at home with clear words. “The operation will be reduced to a minimum from December 14, 2020 to January 10, 2021. Therefore, it is an urgent call to all parents to use this offer only when absolutely necessary,” says a letter from the Government of the state that was sent to the institutions.

Stunned parents: how should we organize this?

If you want to comply with the roll call, you must think within two days how you will care for your child, or even several, at home from Monday. That means jobs for the children, cooking, homeschooling, and all this possibly in addition to your own work.

“Impossible”, “Thank you for three kids at home – and homeschooling”, “Unbelievable for parents who have no choice” – just a few votes that RTL received from some angry parents from North Rhine-Westphalia. Many feel abandoned, overwhelmed by the rapid change that is suddenly expected. Communication is as chaotic as in March, criticized a mother. They had been coaching all week, there was never a clear word, and now that. The disappointment with the approach of the state government consisting of the CDU and the FDP is great, even the measures themselves are defended.

Earlier in the week, Laschet requested a confinement after Christmas

Armin Laschet’s change of direction occurs suddenly. At the beginning of the week, the CDU politician had called for a strict lockdown only after the holidays. In view of the new record number of deaths and infected people, the decision for a faster U-turn was apparently made from Monday, and this was communicated on Friday afternoon.

Criticisms of communication in NRW also from associations and the opposition

Criticism comes not only from parents, but also from educational associations. The Parenting Education Association (VBE) stated: “Once again, the short-term announcement of the abolition of compulsory attendance and the shift to distance learning poses immense challenges for schools and families.” The North Rhine-Westphalia Teachers Association called the state government’s communication with schools “a disaster”.

There are also accusations from the opposition: the leader of the SPD opposition, Thomas Kutschaty, summed up after the long dispute over face-to-face and distance learning: “The chaos in the schools is now complete.” Like the Greens, he called for a long-term plan of action.

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