Pandemic preparedness: WHO considers two thirds of all countries to be poorly equipped


Abroad Pandemic preparation

WHO considers two thirds of all countries to be poorly equipped

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Trump stops making payments to WHO

Donald Trump has stopped $ 400 million in payments to the World Health Organization. The WHO failed in the crown crisis and made the wrong recommendations.

Bad to mediocre: These are the marks that the World Health Organization grants to many countries for pandemic preparedness. Even highly developed health systems have limited capacity, according to a document.

DAccording to a media report, the World Health Organization (WHO) attests that many countries are not well prepared for the pandemic. Most states across the world are ill-prepared for epidemics, cites the “Spiegel” of a position paper for a video conference scheduled for Sunday by G20 state health ministers on the crisis in the crown.

The G 20, which also includes the United States, China and Germany, is currently chaired by Saudi Arabia. The WHO initially did not respond to the German Press Agency when asked about the position paper.

Only a third of countries can detect outbreaks of epidemics and react to them, according to the “Spiegel” in the document. Even highly developed health systems would then have “limited capacities” to perform basic services. According to the report, the WHO predicts that in poor countries with weaker systems, the consequences of the crown pandemic would be “devastating”.

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According to “Spiegel,” the WHO also complains that there is a lack of well-trained employees and infrastructure in health systems and that there are no strong supply chains and logistics to acquire urgently needed medical equipment. International cooperation works poorly, especially since “WHO cannot allow coordination and cooperation.”

United States President Donald Trump ordered that his country’s payments to the WHO be suspended on Tuesday. He blamed the organization for the numerous deaths in the crisis and accused it of dramatically worsening the epidemic with China’s mismanagement and reliance on information. Over the next 60 to 90 days, your government will review the role that WHO has played in “mismanaging and concealing the spread of the coronavirus.” This is how the payments were on hold. Trump’s move received international criticism: in addition, the US president himself. USA He is accused of having minimized the crisis for a long time.

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International comparison

According to the “Spiegel,” the WHO calls for the world to respond to the coronavirus pandemic at least as resolutely as it did with the 2008 financial crisis. Among other things, it suggests creating a global supply of medical equipment for step up research on pathogens. and to create a “mobile global health force” that can quickly be dispatched to disease outbreaks worldwide.
