Pandemic Costs: This is how expensive each corona treatment in the clinic is for health insurers.


economy Pandemiekosten

Each corona treatment at the clinic is very expensive for health insurance companies.

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Treatment of Covid-19 patients in hospitals is complex and expensive Treating people with Covid 19 in hospitals is complex and expensive

Treating people with Covid 19 in hospitals is complex and expensive

Quelle: Getty Images

Those who are seriously ill with Covid-19 must often receive extensive treatment in the hospital. Average costs for health insurance companies are already huge. Health politician Lauterbach warns that the long-term consequences will be much more expensive.

reHospital treatment for a Covid 19 disease costs an average of 10,700 euros. This was the result of an evaluation by the AOK of the data of its 26.5 million policyholders at the request of WELT AM SONNTAG. “But our data also shows that Covid-19 patients who have to be ventilated in hospital have an average cost of 38,500 euros due to the sometimes severe course of the disease,” says Martin Litsch, member of the Federal Board of the AOK. The deviations can be considerable in individual cases. Ten percent of the patients who required higher cost ventilation cost more than € 85,000.

The Barmer Ersatzkasse offers similar figures. For its insured, who had to be hospitalized because of Covid-19, the average cost was around 6,900 euros if they did not have to be ventilated. With ventilation it was 31,700 euros. Around nine million people are insured with Barmer. According to a study by the TU Berlin and the Leibniz Institute for Economic Research, 14 percent of all inpatient cases are ventilated.

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SPD health expert Karl Lauterbach fears that long-term exposure due to serious consequential damage is likely to be significantly higher. “There will be a wave of chronic diseases,” warns Lauterbach. “Only in two or three years will we see how enormous the long-term costs are to our healthcare system.” He is especially afraid of chronic lung and kidney diseases, as well as dementia as a result of corona diseases. “If the number of infections continues to increase, these could become massive phenomena.”

You can read the full research at WELT AM SONNTAG. We are happy to take them home on a regular basis.

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Source: Welt am Sonntag

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Source: WORLD / Sebastian Struwe
