Riots in several cities: unrest continues in Holland

[ad_1] Tuesday, January 26, 2021 Riots in various cities Unrest continues in the Netherlands Due to high crown numbers, a curfew has been in effect in the Netherlands since the weekend. But young people who are willing to use violence do not adhere to them and riot in the streets. …

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Düsseldorf students torpedo video conferences

[ad_1] January 26, 2021 at 5:15 am Paid content: Problems in distance learning : Düsseldorf students torpedo video conferences At the Benrather Annette-von-Droste-Hülshoff-Gymnasium, videoconferences were severely disrupted in the tenth and eighth grade classes. Photo: Endermann, Andreas (end) Düsseldorf Disturbing maneuvers with loud music and boos provoke discussions in the …

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The EU Commission requires information on Astra-Zeneca data

[ad_1] meIn the dispute over vaccine deliveries, the EU Commission demands to know the data of the pharmaceutical company Astra-Zeneca. “The EU requires information from the company no later than January 29, why it wants to deliver fewer doses of vaccines to the EU,” EU Commission circles said Monday night …

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