Did the Netherlands underestimate the virus?

[ad_1] So far, many Dutch have not taken the Corona crisis seriously, there have been hardly any government regulations. Now, the second wave hits the country with full force, and the health system is failing. The corona virus hits the Netherlands hard in the second wave, but the citizens are …

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“Women’s March”: Thousands Against Trump and Barrett

[ad_1] Thousands of people demonstrated against President Trump and the designated by the Constitutional Justice Barrett in several cities of the United States. Meanwhile, Trump continued his campaign tour, attacking Democrats. Thousands of people have participated in protests against the president of the United States, Donald Trump, and for the …

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RKI reports 5587 new infected: R value keeps increasing

[ad_1] Not a record, but extremely high values ​​for a Sunday – the Robert Koch Institute has released its Corona figures again. The R value is of particular concern. As expected, German health authorities reported comparatively few new corona infections in 24 hours. The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) gave the …

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Suspected Speed ​​Drivers Released From Custody

[ad_1] WITHTwo sports car drivers arrested by police who are said to have been involved in a fatal accident on the Autobahn 66 between Wiesbaden and Frankfurt were released on Friday night. The lawyer for one of the two men confirmed this to Hessischer Rundfunk on Saturday. According to the …

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Constanza: Luigi Pantisano, left, could become mayor

[ad_1] The Luigi Pantisano application movie takes five minutes. You can find out a lot about the man who wants to come to power in Constance. That he once worked as a district manager in the city of Lake Constance. Who previously studied in Tokyo. That he was a scientist …

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