Christian Drosten: Scientists are an “imposition” on politicians

[ad_1] Germany Crown-Krise Drosten calls scientists an “imposition” on politicians Stand: 10:27 am | Reading time: 2 minutes Christian Drosten is sure: “Friedrich Schiller would also wear a mask” Source: dpa / Christophe Gateau In his speech celebrating Friedrich Schiller’s birthday, virologist Christian Drosten says that scientific work is a …

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Battle for Shusha – DER SPIEGEL

[ad_1] Since the end of September, a war has been fought in the South Caucasus: Azerbaijan and Armenia are fighting for the Nagorno-Karabakh region, which belongs to Azerbaijan under international law but has been controlled by Armenia for almost three decades. The war cannot be said to have received much …

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Henry Kissinger: “I like Joe Biden as a person”

[ad_1] HEnry Kissinger, born in Fürth in 1923, Nobel Peace Prize laureate and foreign policy adviser to every American president since John F. Kennedy, spoke as always with calm, concentration, and almost hypnotizing analytical power. He was connected from New York for his conversation with Mathias Döpfner, CEO of Axel …

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