Crown requirements: why Merkel is afraid of Christmas

[ad_1] Tuesday, November 10, 2020 By Nikolaus Blome and Franca Lehfeldt Fears are growing in the CDU that extending the current contact restrictions until Christmas could damage acceptance of the crown’s rules. Chancellor Merkel is concerned about the numbers for intensive care beds. “We don’t need to talk about easing. …

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2020 U.S. election: how Donald Trump clings to power

[ad_1] Donald Trump can already hear the end. In front of the White House, workers have begun assembling the stands for the swearing-in parade of their designated successor, Joe Biden. The “hammering and sawing,” reports NBC correspondent Kelly O’Donnell, cannot be ignored even in the Oval Office. Preparations have long …

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Söder-Minister is already talking about the extension of the crown blockade – “The situation is worrying” – Munich News

[ad_1] The number of corona infections in Munich and Bavaria continues to increase rapidly. At a press conference, the Söder government commented on the extension of the blockade until December. Since November 2, Munich and Germany have been in a state-prescribed partial lockdown. The Minister of Economy, Aiwanger, commented on …

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Coronavirus: Mink Illegally Killed in Denmark?

[ad_1] Minks are a risk in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic, so they must go. It’s that simple for the Danish government. But apparently she had no right to order the slaughter of all the animals. The government-initiated mass slaughter of all minks on Danish fur farms is causing …

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Coronavirus: EU vaccine treaty apparently in force

[ad_1] According to media reports, the EU Commission has negotiated a contract for the vaccine with pharmaceutical companies Biontech and Pfizer. Health Minister Spahn expects Germany to receive up to 100 million doses. According to media reports, the EU Commission has already negotiated a contract for the delivery of the …

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