Ski season dispute: Merkel for closing ski areas

[ad_1] Chancellor Merkel wants to keep ski areas in Europe closed due to the Crown crisis, but she faces resistance from Austria and Switzerland. German elevator operators are also warning of major losses. France is opting for a different solution. In view of the upcoming ski season, a discussion about …

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These age groups have the most cases

[ad_1] Due to the increasing number of new corona infections it always caused great concern to young people in Germany. Now the data on incidence shows an interesting turnaround. Despite the partial lockdown since the beginning of November, daily new infections in Germany remain at a high level. More than …

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These new rules apply in December

[ad_1] Chancellor Merkel has agreed with the prime minister stricter rules to combat the corona pandemic in December. Retailers and schools are particularly hard hit. An overview. Prime Minister and Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) negotiated again, now there are new resolutions. Even before Wednesday’s deliberations there was a dispute over …

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Coup in Turkey: court imposes 337 life sentences

[ad_1] In 2016, a military coup failed in Turkey; now hundreds of defendants have been convicted. The judges ruled 337 times to life imprisonment, sometimes under more severe conditions. More than four years after the failed coup attempt in Turkey, a court in the capital Ankara has sentenced hundreds of …

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