Spahn: 4.6 billion euros for contracts without tender

[ad_1] DLast year the Federal Ministry of Health awarded contracts worth around 4.6 billion euros to external companies without a tender. This stems from the federal government’s response to a small request from the leader of the left-wing parliamentary group Dietmar Bartsch, which WELT AM SONNTAG has received in advance. …

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Debate on the Easter holidays: to travel or not to travel?

[ad_1] Status: March 20, 2021 9:49 pm Before the summit with the federal government, the states are arguing about the Easter holidays: Brandenburg wants to take advantage of relaxation, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania to allow travel. There, holiday home owners also want to revoke the accommodation ban. Before the federal-state meeting on …

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The demonstration in Kassel intensified: 20,000 “lateral thinkers” on the way – the police used water cannons – panorama – society

[ad_1] In Kassel, Hesse, a demonstration against Corona’s measures sparked violent clashes between the police and “lateral thinkers”. According to the police, more than 20,000 people participated in the protests. Although only two meetings are allowed at Schwanenwiese and Platz der Deutschen Einheit with strict participation restrictions, participants also marched …

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Protest against the measures of the crown: mass clashes in Kassel

[ad_1] Status: 03/20/2021 3:34 pm Thousands of people from the camp of lateral thinkers demonstrate in Kassel against the measures of the crown. There were clashes with the police. Officials used pepper spray and batons. During a demonstration against Corona’s measures in Kassel, there were massive clashes between protesters and …

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RKI Reports 16,033 New Infections; incidence is 99.9

[ad_1] Health authorities reported 16,033 new corona infections to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) in one day. In addition, 207 new coronavirus-related deaths were recorded in 24 hours, according to RKI figures from Saturday morning. The data reflects the status of the RKI dashboard at 03.41 am, subsequent changes or …

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