Coronavirus USA: Donald Trump confronted with new horror forecasts

[ad_1] Washington. New horror predictions from new coronavirus victims cast doubt on Trump’s search strategy: Tens of thousands of victims feared in June. Efs Lpousbtu lpoouf hs ÷ àfs ojdiu tfjo / Fstu ejlujfsu = tuspoh? Epobme Usvnq = 0tuspoh? Tfjofs jio sfhfmñaàjh gfjfsoefo Ifjnbuqptujmmf ‘Ofx Zpsl Qptu’ jo efo …

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Öko-Test / Deo: Incredibly Cheap Test Winner – Brands Fail

[ad_1] Öko-Test examined the deodorant. The surprising result: cheap products are the test winners. However, expensive brand name products perform poorly. Ecological proof has different Deodorant sprays compared and tested without aluminum. Especially that products the Discounts and Pharmacy, like Aldi, Lidl and Rossmann, recommends Ecological proof with a price …

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